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Modwheel The Lowdown KONTAKT | 2.3 Gb

It’s a Beautiful 100 year old Double Bass owned and played by Bass luminary David Donaldson for the past 35 years, which has been deeply sampled by MODWHEEL to create a Kontakt sample library made up of every conceivable sound you can generate using bows, mallets, chopsticks, brushes, and anything else that came to hand (or foot).

The original concept for the LOWDOWN was to detune the Bass to a low G, 8 semitones lower than its normal low E and record over a minute of low drones on each note over a range of 3 octaves. We then recorded bowed harmonics playing the same notes that can be layered on using a keyboard mod wheel.

The result is a huge variety of rich organically moving drones and pads, that are all at least a minute long performance before looping, from very natural to very messed with. After achieving this aural triumph, we decided to extend the library to include traditional pizzicato and arco articulations and some more experimental rhythms and impacts. The rhythms are all BPM’d and will play at whatever tempo your session is at.

Modwheel 内幕开播 |2.3 Gb

它是美丽 100 年旧低音提琴拥有和演奏由低音杰出人物 David 唐纳森过去的 35 年里,由 MODWHEEL 创建的每个可以想像的声音你可以生成使用弓、 木槌、 筷子、画笔和别的到 (或脚) 组成开播样本库深深地进行采样。

真相的原始概念是失谐低音至低的 G,8 半音低于其正常低 E 和记录超过一分钟低无人机上每个音符在一系列的 3 个八度音阶。我们然后记录玩同样注意到,可以分层使用键盘 mod 轮弯的谐波。

其结果是各种各样的有机从无人机和垫,那是所有至少分钟长时间的演出前循环,很自然的丰富到很搞砸。这听觉的胜利后,我们决定扩展库,包括传统的拨奏和 arco关节和一些更具实验性的节奏和影响。节奏是所有 BPM 都会将发挥无论速度您的会话是在。