CG数据库 >> Photoserge – Serge Ramelli Complete Package Bundle

Photoserge – Serge Ramelli Complete Package Bundle的图片1

Duration 41 H 38 M Project Files Included MP4

Title: Photoserge – Serge Ramelli Complete Package Bundle



1. Art of Black & White – Landscapes

Shooting runtime: 16m:49s

Post-Processing runtime in Photoshop: 2h:10m:23s

Video: mp4 1920 x 1080

In this tutorial we follow Jean Michel Berts in Normandy.

Here, he shows you simple and unique techniques to get the best black and whites including: dodge and burning, avoiding common mistakes, replacing skies, simulating night, creating “high key” landscapes, and much more.

2. Art of Black & White – Lightroom

Shooting runtime: 16m:49s

Post-Processing runtime in Lightroom: 2h:08m:03s

Video: mp4 1920 x 1180

In this course, we go through 10 projects to master black & white photography with Lightroom. I will show you my full workflow for making fine art black & whites.

3. Art of Black & White – Photography

Shooting runtime: 17m:11s

Post-Processing runtime in Photoshop: 1h:24m:13s

Video: mp4 1920 x 1080

Watch Jean Michel Berts as he shoots and edits his photos and you will discover a unique way of making black and white that will change your post-processing for ever.

In this course, I interview and film Jean Michel Berts as he is taking photos for his latest book called the “Lights of Jerusalem”.

We then go back to Paris where he shows you his post-processing workflow for 2 other photos and all 4 projects.

This course is a unique look at one of the best workflows you can have on black & white photography.

4. Art of Black & White – Yesterday & Today

Shooting runtime: 00m:00s

Post-Processing runtime in Lightroom: 1h:10m:49s

Video: mp4 1290 x 720

In this course I cover the ways of the master, Ansel Adams (1902), and his methodology from the past in creating gorgeous black & white photos.

I then teach you how to applythose same techniques with our modern tools and software; Lightroom 5.

5. Composition Master Class

Shooting runtime: 09m:07s

Post-Processing runtime in Lightroom & Photoshop: 1h:42m:51s

Video: mp4 1920 x 1080

In this course I go over how I find my compositions, show you behind the scenes of me finding the “right” shot and how I retouch and finalize my photos once I have figured out the correct composition for my photo’s message.

I get a lot of photos from fans and photographers from around the world. I find that a lot of people master Photoshop & Lightroom very quickly but to take their photo career, as a professional or even a hobby, to that next level is how to find the right composition for their photos.

So for this training, I have done my best to really share the rules I’m using, my personal process and what can make a photo good or really great!

6. HDR Master Class

Shooting runtime: 09m:29s

Post-Processing runtime in Photomatix, Photoshop & Lightroom: 1h:58m:27s

Video: mp4 1728 x 1080

This is my full HDR shooting and retouching workflow.

I first show you how to set up your camera for HDR, then you’ll see a full HDR photoshoot I did; showing you framing, setup and shooting 3 exposures.

I then teach you the detailed workflow to retouch HDR in Lightroom, Photomatix and Photoshop (including digital blending).

These 14 lessons cover 9 full photoshoots and includes 3 free Photomatix presets.

Photomatix is the standard for HDR.

7. Interior Design Photography

Shooting runtime: 23m:29s

Post-Processing runtime in Photoshop & Lightroom: 2h:27m:29s

Video: mp4 1920 x 1200

This is the complete course on how to shoot and retouch interior design.

Having made a good living from being a interior design photographer, this course will show you all my secrets, tips and tricks to create stunning photos.

First I take up shooting the interior design with live videos and then we take each project one-by-one and do the full retouching from A to Z.

8. Landscape Retouching Workflow

Shooting runtime: 00m:00s

Post-Processing runtime in Photoshop & Lightroom: 1h:49m:16s

Video: mp4 1290 x 720

In this course I cover all of my technology I use for my landscape retouching.

This course is a very in-depth course specifically on landscapes and contains simple-to-advanced techniques and contains 10 projects and many of my raw files to train with.

9. Lightroom CC Complete Training

Shooting runtime: 00m:00s

Post-Processing runtime in Lightroom CC: 6h:00m:42s

Video: mp4 1728 x 972

This course will take you through ALL of the features of Lightroom CC, from start to finish in detail!

In over 55 lessons (6 hours of training!) I take you through 9 projects using Lightroom CC.

I teach you my entire workflow in Lightroom and we explore all of the features of Lightroom CC, from the basic to the advanced – you’ll learn everything about Lightroom CC!

This course includes the 22 raw source files I use in all of my lessons.

10. Long Exposure Workflow

Shooting runtime: 19m:46s

Post-Processing runtime in Lightroom & Photoshop: 1h:22m:35s

Video: mp4 1280 x 720

In this course I cover all the camera basics, techniques, advanced tricks and retouching for long exposure phot

持续时间 41 H 38 M 项目文件包括的 MP4

标题 ︰ Photoserge-Serge 梅利完整软件包

信息 ︰

包括 ︰


射击运行时 ︰ 4:0 下午

运行时在 Photoshop 中的后置处理 ︰ 2 h: 10:0 上午

视频 ︰ mp4 1920 x 1080

在本教程中,我们遵循 Jean Michel Berts 在诺曼底。

在这里,他显示你简单而独特的技术,以获得最佳的黑人和白人包括 ︰ 道奇和燃烧,避免常见的错误,替换天空、 模拟夜,创建"高键"景观,以及更多。

2.黑与白 — — Lightroom 的艺术

射击运行时 ︰ 4:0 下午

后置处理运行时在 Lightroom: 2 h: 8:0 上午

视频 ︰ mp4 1920 x 1180

在此过程中,我们通过 10 个项目去了 Lightroom 主黑色与白色摄影。我会告诉你制作美术黑人与白人我完整的工作流。

3.的黑与白 — — 摄影艺术

射击运行时 ︰ 5:0 下午

运行时在 Photoshop 中的后置处理 ︰ 1 h: 24 米 ︰ 13

视频 ︰ mp4 1920 x 1080

作为他拍摄和编辑他的照片和你会发现一个独特的黑色的制作方式和白色这会改变你后处理过观看吉恩 Michel Berts。

在此过程中,采访,并拍摄吉恩 Michel Berts,因为他为他的新书叫"耶路撒冷灯"拍照。

然后,我们回到的巴黎,在那里他显示你他 2 其他照片和所有 4 个项目的后期处理工作流。


4.艺术的黑与白 — — 昨天与今天

射击运行时 ︰ 00 m: 00

后置处理运行时在 Lightroom: 1 h: 10:0 上午

视频 ︰ mp4 1290 x 720

在这个过程中我覆盖方法的大师,Ansel Adams (1902 年),和他从过去在创建华丽的黑色与白色照片的方法。

然后,我教你如何向那些相同的技术,与我们的现代工具和软件;Lightroom 5。


射击运行时 ︰ 9:0 上午

运行时在 Lightroom & Photoshop 中的后置处理 ︰ 1 h: 42 m: 51

视频 ︰ mp4 1920 x 1080


我得到了很多照片来自球迷和来自世界各地的摄影师。我发现很多人非常迅速地掌握Photoshop & Lightroom,但采取他们照片的职业生涯,作为一家专业或甚至是一种爱好,到下一个层次是如何找到合适的人士组成,他们的照片。

为这次培训,我已经尽我所能真正分享我使用的规则,所以我个人的过程和什么可以使一张照片好或真的很棒 !

6.HDR 大师班

射击运行时 ︰ 9:0 上午

后置处理运行时在 Photomatix,Photoshop & Lightroom: 1 h: 58 m: 27

视频 ︰ mp4 1728 x 1080

这是我全部的 HDR 拍摄和润色工作流。

我首先告诉你如何为 HDR,设置你的相机,然后您将看到完整的 HDR 拍摄向你展示框架、 安装程序和射击 3 曝光。

然后,我教你详细的工作流,以修饰 HDR Lightroom,Photomatix 和 Photoshop(包括数字混合)。

这些 14 课涵盖 9 完全能够和包括 3 免费 Photomatix 预设。

Photomatix 是 HDR 的标准。


射击运行时 ︰ 11:0 下午

后置处理运行时在 Photoshop & Lightroom: 2 h: 27 m: 29

视频 ︰ mp4 1920 x 1200


过好的生活,从室内设计摄影师,本课程将显示你所有我的秘密、 技巧和窍门来创建令人惊叹的照片。

首先我把射击室内设计与现场视频,我们每个项目一个接一个然后把做充分修饰从 A到 Z。


射击运行时 ︰ 00 m: 00

后置处理运行时在 Photoshop & Lightroom: 1 h: 49 m: 16s

视频 ︰ mp4 1290 x 720


本课程是专门对景观非常深入的课程包含简单的先进技术和包含 10 个项目和许多我原始数据文件一起训练。

9.Lightroom CC 完成培训

射击运行时 ︰ 00 m: 00

后置处理运行时在 Lightroom CC: 6 h: 00 m ︰ 多

视频 ︰ mp4 1728 x 972

本课程将带你通过所有特性 Lightroom CC,从开始到完成详细 !

在超过 55 课 (6 小时的培训 !)我带你通过使用 Lightroom CC 9 项目。

我教你在 Lightroom 我整个工作流和我们探讨所有 Lightroom CC,从基本到高级的功能 — — 您将了解 Lightroom CC 的一切 !

本课程包括 22 原始源文件,在我所有的课程中使用。


射击运行时 ︰ 7:0 下午

运行时在 Lightroom & Photoshop 中的后置处理 ︰ 1 h: 10:0 下午

视频 ︰ mp4 1280 x 720
