CG数据库 >> 音效下载Boom Library – Hot Rod – Rev Ups WAV

音效下载Boom Library – Hot Rod – Rev Ups WAV的图片1

Boom Library - Hot Rod - Rev Ups WAV | 582 Mb

V8 engines are a class of its own. Those gurgling, deeply growling power plants are already fascinating when still in idle mode. But when the pedal hits the metal, they unleash a raw symphony of pure and brute power – a true pleasure for sound lovers and for those who are willing to feed those big block engines with gallons and gallons of fuel. Having captured those incomparably sounding monsters we now bring you the finest selection of their sounds in our Micro BOOM SFX Library HOT ROD – REV UPS.

We recorded various close and distant idle and rev up sounds of 14 different Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Rat Rods and Trucks in an MS and ORTF setup. The library weighs in at 880MB in 64 files and it ships in 96kHz/24bit High Definition Audio. All sounds are royalty free, guaranteeing you best quality as always.

Let this pack be a small but powerful addition to your personal sound FX library and you will never have to search again for vigorous and shamelessly boasting engine rev up sounds.


Library ships in 96kHz/24bit High Definition Audio

880MB of ready-to-use royalty free SFX

ORTF and MS microphone setup

Don't waste time: well-grounded Soundminer Metadata

繁荣-热棒-图书馆冯 Ups WAV |582 mb

V8 引擎是它自己的类。这些潺潺,深深地咆哮发电厂是已经迷人时仍处于空闲模式。但当踏板撞击金属,他们释放原始交响乐纯和强力的权力 — — 真正的乐趣,音响爱好者和那些愿意养活那些大块引擎以加仑和加仑的燃料。有捕获那些无比听起来怪我们现在给你带来选用上等他们的声音在我们微繁荣 SFX 库热棒 — — 冯 UPS。

我们记录各种密切和遥远空闲和加速 14 不同声音热棒、 肌肉车、 大鼠杆和卡车 MS和董事会的安装程序。图书馆重达 880 MB 64 文件中,它的船只在 96 kHz/24 位高清晰度音频。所有的声音都免,保证你最好的质量一如既往的版税。

让是你个人的声音 FX 图书馆小但功能强大的除了此包,您将不需要再寻找充满活力和无耻地夸耀发动机转速的声音。

特点 ︰

图书馆船舶在 96 kHz/24 位高清晰度音频

准备好使用皇室的 880 MB 可用 SFX

董事会和 MS 麦克风设置

不要浪费时间 ︰ 薄发 Soundminer 元数据