WAV | 1.28 GB
Kings of The South: Dirty Crunk Kits brings you the hottest beats, loops and sounds in dirty southern hip-hop style. Dirty South Hip Hop has been dominating the charts with artists such as, Lil Wayne, T.I., and Young Jeezy. 40 radio ready kits are included along with all the break outs, drum hits and multi track drums from each kit. Over 2GB of original wav content gives you plenty of variety to work with in creating original southern beats and tracks. Whether you produce Dirty South, Crunk, or straight up Hip-Hop, these authentic sounds are straight from the south and are production ready.
- 2.3 GB of 24-bit WAV files
- 1,035 WAV Loops
- 40 Radio Ready Construction Kits
WAV |1.28 GB
南方的国王 ︰ 脏疯狂工具包为您带来最热门的节拍、 循环和声音脏南部嘻哈风格。脏南 Hip Hop 占据与艺术家 Lil Wayne、 溜和年轻人杰兹等图表。40 无线电准备工具包是包括所有的皮疹,鼓打和多轨道鼓从每个套件。超过 2 GB 的原始 wav 内容给你充足的各种工作,在创建原始南部节拍和轨道。你产生脏南,疯狂,还是笔直的嘻哈,这些真实的声音直接从南部,准备生产。
详细信息 ︰
-2.3 GB 的 24 位 WAV 文件
-1,035 WAV 循环
-40 无线电准备工程成套