CG数据库 >> 音效下载Findasound Clara’s Vocal v2.1.01 KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE

音效下载Findasound Clara’s Vocal v2.1.01 KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE的图片1

SYNTHiC4TE | April 24 2016 | 2.20 GB

Clara’s vocal library is created to fit the needs of the modern composer and sound designer, the first version of Clara’s Library with a true authentic legato. In v 2.0 there are two Legato Mode “Ah “ & “Oh “ switchable by keyswitch , which will make it easy to change articulations including legato sound in real time.The keysitches includes staccato “Ah “ & “Oh. Release samples can be enabled/disabled with the ability to control their time and volume. Speed knob is provided to control sample offset - start of legato transition samples enabling user to control speed of legato. Vibrato is controlled with modulation wheel with the ability to control it's rate with a knob. Legato function can be turned on/off in case of playing chords for example. A unique function of having double Clara performance is provided through a button called double where user can get double Clara performance with different samples, round robins, and mic positions. Attack time can be controlled for all samples in the legato patch as well as the phrases patch.

The new phrases engine allows user to easily select any phrases through a convenient drop-down menu, the phrases patch has a new legato mode that allows user to easily merge different phrases to improve the creativity and create new phrases, if legato is enabled user can control sample offset 1 - start of the first phrase and offset 2 - start of the second/target phrase. Each phrase has it's native BPM offering the best quality, yet the library takes advantage of the powerful Kontakt engine to automatically adapt to the BPM of user's session so they can be used in any project with any BPM through the two sync modes; 1- TM "time machine" where tempo can be controlled manually and 2- HOST where tempo is synced to user's host, if sync mode is enabled user will have the ability to adjust pitch of phrases in + - 12 semi tones. Release samples with release volume and time controllers are available for phrases patch as well.

FX rack is provided with both patches Legato and phrases that includes:

Sound modulator








Clara’s Vocal v 1.0.6 (included with v 2.0) offers incredible, high quality cinematic vocal phrases and sequences for Kontakt. The library contains pads, phrases and vocalizations (eg. Uh, Ah, Mmm, Oooh) that can be used in many styles of music, but really lends itself to cinematic and orchestral/soundtrack music.

The library is being constantly updated with new patches and content.


Over 2,5 Gig 24Bit 48Khz compressed kontakt ncw format samples

New GUI with easy control & fully automated midi learn controllers

OH & AH True Legato Patches

OH & AH staccato

FX Rack

Attack and release sample time - volume control

Main volume - pan controls

Natural vibrato (mod wheel) + vibrato rate control

Double track performance

Phrases & song with 2 sync modes & Legato mode

Aah, Ooh, Mmm vocal sound sustain patches

Two offset samples start control on phrases

Virtual Legato & Portato patches

Legato speed control

4 Cycling sustain round robins samples


Requires the FULL version of Kontakt 5.5 or higher – will not work with the free Kontakt player.

SYNTHiC4TE |2016 年 4 月 24 日 |2.20 GB

克拉拉的声乐图书馆被创建,以适应现代作曲家和音效设计师,克拉拉的图书馆与真正的正宗连奏的第一个版本的需要。V 2.0 有在两个 Legato 模式"Ah"&"噢"可切换的按键开关,将可以很容易地改变关节包括 legato 的声音在真正的时间。Keysitches包括断奏"Ah"&"哦。释放样品可启用/禁用有能力控制自己的时间和音量。速度旋钮可控制样本偏移量-legato 过渡开始样品有利用户控制的 legato 的速度。颤音是有能力控制它的速率与旋钮控制调制轮。Legato 的功能可以在例如弹和弦的情况下打开/关闭。具有双克拉拉性能独特功能是通过一个按钮称为双用户可以得到双克拉拉性能与不同样品、 轮罗宾斯和 mic 职位提供的。攻击时间可以控制 legato 修补程序以及短语修补程序的所有样品。

新短语引擎允许用户方便地选择任何通过方便的下拉菜单中的词组、 短语修补程序提供了新的 legato 模式,允许用户轻松地合并不同的短语来提高创造力和创建新的短语,如果 legato 是已启用的用户可以控制样本偏移量为 1-开始的第一句和抵消2-开始的第二个 / 目标短语。每个短语都本机 BPM 提供最好的质量,但图书馆利用强大的开播引擎,自动适应 BPM 的用户的会话,所以他们可以使用在任何项目中与任何 BPM 通过两种同步模式;1-TM"时间机器"在哪里可以手动控制节奏和 2 主机在那里节奏同步到用户的主机,如果同步模式是启用用户将有能力调整音高的短语 +-12 半色调。释放量和时间控制器释放样品,供短语以及修补程序。

FX 机架设有 Legato 和短语包含这两个补丁 ︰









克拉拉的声乐 v 1.0.6 (附带 v 2.0) 提供令人难以置信的高质量电影声带短语和序列为开播。库包含垫、 短语及发声 (eg。呃,啊,嗯,哦),可以用在许多风格的音乐,但是真的借到电影本身和管弦乐/电影配乐音乐。


特点 ︰

2,5 演出 24 位 48 Khz 压缩开播网络中心战格式样本

新的 GUI,容易控制及全自动化的 midi 与学习控制器

哦 & 啊真实 Legato 修补程序

哦 & AH 断奏

FX 机架



自然颤音 (mod 轮) + 颤音速率控制


短语 & 2 同步模式 & Legato 模式唱这首歌

啊,哦,Mmm 人声维持修补程序


虚拟 Legato & Portato 修补程序

Legato 速度控制

4 骑自行车维持轮罗宾斯样品

备注 ︰

需要完整版的开播 5.5 或更高 — — 将不使用免费的开播播放器。