CG数据库 >> 音效下载Chocolate Audio – The 88 Series – Model D Grand KONTAKT

音效下载Chocolate Audio – The 88 Series – Model D Grand KONTAKT的图片1

FANTASTiC 24 April 2016 | 7.33 GB

The Model D grand piano was sampled from a Hamburg-made 1939 Steinway D274 grand coda piano. This particular piano has been in use in various venues in Italy and has been played and praised by many top-level international classical and jazz players. This piano's age definitely guarantees it the vintage moniker, nonetheless it went through proper maintenance and restoration over the years by highly-skilled italian technicians. It totally resonates with all of the great music played through it. We sampled this piece of history in a medium-size hall surrounded by a plethora of microphones.


We didn't settle for a single pair or a limited selection of microphones from the start, we wanted to make sure that the piano, after the sampling and editing process had the best chances to preserve its soul, something which can be hard to achieve. For this very reason, we used many more microphones than the ones we ended up with.

Choice of Microphones

These are the Mics we carefully selected after multiple playing and listening sessions on the edited samples:

a Schoeps CMC6 with MK4 cardiod capsules matched-pair placed at the player's position

a Neumann KM184 matched-pair placed right on the edge of the open-lid with a listener's perspective

a single AKG C12 tube mic picking up the sound from the lid, listener's position

a pair of matched Neumann M149 mics to pick up the sound from a medium distanceThese microphones, by themselves or combined, give you the widest possible gamut of tonal colors you might need from a top-notch concert piano. To preserve tonal balance, we even carefully phase-aligned all of the microphones.

Mixing a-la-carte

One might think that having four different choices and combinations of mics plus the reverb would make finding the perfect balance impossible.

It is not.

This Instrument, we believe, easily opens up many different sonic worlds by using its on-board mixer. This tool is focused on easy-to-get results with a few tailored controls:


Panpot, places the sound in a specific direction

Mute and Solo

Width, controls the width of the stereo signals

Reverb Send, amount of signal for each microphone that gets processed by the on-board IR Reverb

Master effects are a 3-band EQ with cherry-picked frequency centers, a Preset Compressor & Tape Emulation and the IR Reverb

On each single channel you might use a simple but very effective 3-band EQOptimal resources management

Dealing with a piano Instrument featuring four microphones at the same time can bring an heavy load on system resources. The amount of playback voices for the CPU and Disk Streaming, preload in RAM and load times could suffer.

A click on Purge Muted simply removes from memory all muted channels, not anymore weighing on RAM, CPU and streaming resources.

Simplicity, with depth

Our approach to sampled Instruments is to let the musician in you fly free of any technical burden. Fast, full satisfaction is guaranteed: you just need to play, the fastest possible learning-curve is always kept as a reference when designing our Instruments. At the same time, when there's that techie-need totweak and fine-tune, our multi-layer user interfaces allow for it, giving you the best of both worlds.

Advanced sampling and scripting

We believe the real break-through in these ages is creating advanced, high-quality Instruments which don't require you to earn a master in computer programming before you start making music with them. Making matters easy for the musician always means introducing more and more layers of complication for us developers. First of all we are musicians, and we don't want you to end up putting our products on a virtual shelf and forget about them because they are too hard to learn and use.


Our effects section doesn't require a degree in audio-engineering to make the best out of it.

This is our job.

Just select one of the 34 main Presets and fine tune it using a few carefully selected parameters.

The Compressor & Tape Emulation section, usually hard to grasp for the inexpert in audio tweaking feature no less than 22 + 22 (for when using a single Mic only, marked with a + sign) presets with a simpleAmount knob to rule it to your taste.

The Reverb section, so critical for acoustic pianos in particular, features an in-house developed collection of 17 carefully selected high quality Impulse Responses coming from both real spaces and revered vintage and contemporary studio hardware.

梦幻般 2016 年 4 月 24 日 |7.33 GB

从汉堡取得 1939年施坦威 D274 盛大 coda 钢琴采样模型 D 大调钢琴。此特定的钢琴一直在使用各种场地在意大利和演奏并深受许多顶级国际古典与爵士球员。这架钢琴年龄绝对保证它的老式的名字对象,但是它通过适当的保养和恢复多年来乘高度熟练的意大利技师。它完全与所有伟大的音乐演奏的通过它产生共鸣。我们品尝这段历史中被大量的麦克风包围一个中型大厅。


我们并没有满足于一双或有限的选择的麦克风从一开始,我们想要确保钢琴后取样和编辑过程的最好, 机会,保护它的灵魂,可能很难实现的东西。为此原因,我们使用了很多更多麦克风比我们而告终。


这些都是我们精挑细选后多玩和听力上编辑的样本会话的中等收入国家 ︰

与 MK4 cardiod 胶囊配对 Schoeps CMC6 放在球员的位置

诺依曼 KM184 配对放右边缘的开盖与听者的角度来看

单 AKG C12 管麦克风拾取从盖子,声音侦听器的位置

一对匹配的 Neumann M149 麦克风拾取从介质 distanceThese 麦克风,声音由自己或相结合,给你的色调的颜色,您可能需要从顶尖音乐会钢琴的最广的可能范围。若要保留色调平衡,我们甚至仔细相位对齐所有麦克风。




这一工具,我们相信,容易开辟了许多不同的声波世界通过使用其板载的搅拌机。此工具重点是容易获得的结果,与几个定制控件 ︰




混响发送,获取了板载的 IR 混响处理每个麦克风的信号量

母版效果是与樱桃采摘的频率中心 3 波段均衡器,预设的压缩机与磁带模拟和 IR 混响

每个单一的通道上,您可以使用一个简单但非常有效的 3 波段 EQOptimal 资源管理

处理一架钢琴同时设有四个麦克风的仪器可以带来沉重的负荷对系统资源。在 RAM中的 CPU 和磁盘流,播放声音量预紧力和负载时间可能会受到影响。

点击清除静音只是从内存中移除所有无声电视频道、 不再拖累 RAM、 CPU 和流媒体资源。


我们到采样文书的办法是让这位音乐家在你飞没有任何技术的负担。快速、 完全的满意保证 ︰ 你只需要发挥,最快可能的学习曲线始终保持作为参考设计我们的仪器时。在同一时间,当那技师需要 totweak 和微调,我们多层用户界面允许它,给你最好的两个世界。


我们相信在这一年龄段中真正的突破创造先进、 高质量的仪器,不需要你挣钱大师在计算机编程在音乐与他们之前先。使事情容易音乐家总是意味着引入更多的和更多层的并发症为我们开发人员。首先,我们都是音乐家,和我们不想要最终把我们的产品在一个虚拟的架子上,忘记他们,因为他们太勤奋地学习和使用。




只是选择一个 34 主要预设,它使用几个精心挑选的参数进行微调。

压缩机与磁带仿真部分,一般很难掌握不熟练在音频调整功能不低于 22 + 22 (为时使用单独的麦克风只,标有 + 符号) 预设与 simpleAmount 旋钮来统治你的口味。

混响部分,所以对于声学钢琴特别功能 17 精挑细选的高质量脉冲响应来自实空间和受人尊敬的葡萄酒和当代工作室硬件内部开发的收藏品。