CG数据库 >> Lynda - Photoshop CS5 for the Web

Lynda - Photoshop CS5 for the Web的图片1

Lynda - Photoshop CS5 for the Web

MP4 | AVC 219kbps | English | 960x600 | 15fps | 5h 59mins | AAC mono 128kbps | 940 MB

Genre: Video Training

In Photoshop CS5 for the Web, author Jan Kabili shows a wide range of optimal uses for Photoshop in the web graphics workflow. This course shows the most efficient ways to optimize images so that they maintain quality and download quickly in a browser, the why and the how of image slicing, and practical techniques for designing web page layouts, page backgrounds, navigation bars, and buttons in Photoshop. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:

Customizing a web workspace

Coloring web graphics

Optimizing images as JPEG, GIF, or PNG files

Creating background graphics for sites

Working with transparency

Building navigation bars, buttons, and rollover graphics

Designing web page mock-ups

Adding animation

Automating web-related tasks in Photoshop

Integrating with the rest of the Adobe Creative Suite

琳达-Photoshop CS5 web

MP4 |AVC 219 kbps |英语 |960 x 600 |15 fps |5 h 59mins |AAC 单 128 kbps |940 MB

体裁 ︰ 视频培训

Photoshop cs5 的 web,作者 Jan Kabili 显示广泛的最优使用 Photoshop web 图形工作流中。此课程介绍最有效的方法来优化图像,以便他们维护质量和快速下载在浏览器中,为什么和怎样的图像切片和设计 web 页面布局、 页面背景、 导航栏和按钮在 Photoshop 中的实用技术。练习文件将包含在课程。

主题包括 ︰

自定义 web 工作区

着色 web 图形

优化图像为 JPEG、 GIF 或 PNG 文件



建筑导航栏、 按钮和翻转图形

设计 web 页实物模型


在 Photoshop 中自动化与 web 相关的任务

结合的 Adobe 创意套房休息