CG数据库 >> VizPeople-3D商场设施模型


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Viz-People - 3D 商场设施 Viz-People 3D Mall Equipment delivers 80 highly detailed 3d models of Shopping Center furnishing. This collection is designed for architectural visualizations made in 3ds MAX and Cinema 4D.Viz-People3D商城设备提供购物中心家具多达80个非常详细的3D模型。这个系列是用于3DS MAX和Cinema 4D的建筑可视化设计。

Viz-People provides royalty free 3d models, our libraries can be used as part of commercial pictures & designs at no extra charge.Viz-People提供免版税的3D模型,我们的模型库可以用于作为商业图片设计的一部分,不收取额外费用。

This collection contains:这个系列包含:

- 20 Shop windows with low poly interiors- 20个低面数室内橱窗

- 20 Beautiful Architectural tress and bushes in pots- 20个美丽的花盆里的树木和灌木

- 10 Commercial stands- 10个商业展台

- 10 Furniture sets for restaurants and coffee shops- 10套餐馆和咖啡馆家具

- 10 Benches with matching trash bins- 10组长凳以及匹配的垃圾桶

- 4 sets of modern street lamps- 4套现代路灯

- 6 public usage equipment- 6件公共使用设备

Available formats:-

*.max (3ds Max 2010 + Vray 1.5)

*.obj (Without shaders and textures)