全球电子设计创新领先企业Cadence设计系统公司近日发布了新版 Incisive® 功能验证平台,再一次为整体验证性能和生产率设定新标准。同时应对知识产权(IP)模块级到芯片级及片上系统(SoC)验证的挑战,Incisive13.2 平台通过两个新的引擎及附加的自动化功能,把仿真性能提升了一个数量级来加速SoC验证的收敛。
对于 IP 模块级到芯片级的验证,具有以下提升:
· Incisive Formal Verifier和 Incisive Enterprise Verifier中的新的Trident引擎对形式分析的性能提升最高达20倍
· Incisive Enterprise Simulator中新的约束引擎提高 UVM 和 SystemVerilog testbench 仿真速度及在Palladium® 平台的仿真加速速度最高达10倍
· Incisive Debug Analyzer中的对 SystemVerilog 新的支持功能结合独有的 UVM 调试功能和 Incisive 企业仿真器(IES)中 SimVision 调试环境下对探测功能的优化可以降低数据库大小达 10 倍
· 新的 IEEE 1647 e 无需仿真的单元测试,可减少测试平台代码调试时间达30%
对于 SoC 验证,具有以下提升:
· Incisive Enterprise Simulator和Incisive Enterprise Verifier中对X-propagation的全面支持可提高 SoC 复位,低功耗仿真速度达 5 倍
· Incisive 数字混合信号中针对 SystemVerilog IEEE 1800-2012 实数建模支持的新功能选项可提高混合信号仿真速度超过 100 倍。
“我们必须用有限的资源面对不断增长的验证挑战。”安霸公司(Ambarella, Inc.)工程部门副总裁 Chan Lee 指出:“2013 年,我们通过采用X-propagation,帮助我们显著的加快针对复位的仿真性能。Incisive 验证平台提供的附加自动化功能有助于提高我们的验证生产率。”
“验证工程师面临时间和强大验证性能需求方面的压力。Incisive 13.2 不但解决了这些问题,同时还超越了每秒原始时钟所赋予的内涵,囊括从Formal Apps、调试到度量指标的分析来加速验证过程的收敛。自动化与集成的结合为我们的客户提供真正的收益,从而减轻 SoC 验证的压力。” Cadence高级验证解决方案研发副总裁 Andy Eliopoulos 说。
Cadence INCISIV 13.2 | 9.7 Gb
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. introduced a new version of the Incisive functional verification platform, once again setting a new standard for overall verification performance and productivity. Addressing both intellectual property (IP) block-to-chip and system-on-chip (SoC) verification challenges, the Incisive 13.2 platform offers orders of magnitude faster performance with two new engines and additional automation features to speed SoC verification closure.
For IP block-to-chip verification, enhancements include:
- New Trident engine in the Incisive Formal Verifier and the Incisive Enterprise Verifier, which improves formal analysis performance up to 20X
- New constraint engine in the Incisive Enterprise Simulator that speeds UVM and SystemVerilog testbench simulation, and simulation acceleration with the Palladium platform by up to 10X
- New SystemVerilog support in Incisive Debug Analyzer plus unique UVM debug capabilities and optimized probing in the SimVision debug environment inside Incisive Enterprise Simulator that reduces database size up to 10X
- New IEEE 1647 e unit testing without simulation, reducing debug time for testbench code by 30%
For SoC verification, enhancements include:
- Comprehensive x-propagation support in the Incisive Enterprise Simulator and the Incisive Enterprise Verifier to speed SoC reset and low-power simulations up to 5X
- New support for SystemVerilog IEEE 1800-2012 real number modeling in the Incisive Digital Mixed Signal option for faster mixed-signal simulation over 100X.
The complete list of key performance enhancements and productivity features can be found here
About Cadence
Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today’s integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP, and services to design and verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers, and research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry.
Name: Cadence INCISIV
Version: 13.20.002
Home: www.cadence.com
Interface: english
OS: Linux
Size: 9.8 Gb
Install and Crack step:
1. 首先确认安装文件的目录下是否有INCISIV_13.10.001、license和installscapte.tar.bz2.gz(bunzip+bunzip2两次解压)
2. 将installscapte.tar.bz2.gz解压到当前目录,解压后运行installer/iscape/bin/iscape.sh,会弹出安装的图形界面
3. 点击图标,选择安装源文件的路径,路径在与license和installscapte.tar.bz2.gz平行的INCISIV_13.10.001下
4. 选择安装路径, 上所有可以 的选项, 然后点击对话框左下角的start
5. 安装完成之后会进行配置,根据提示一路回车或者输入y再回车即可,如果碰到license相关的按y无法通过,则按n。 配置过程中会有提示安装ARM FAST MODEL, cancel之
6. 配置完成后,将源文件目录下的licence/cds-patch/ 下所有的文件都拷贝到软件所安装到的根目录下
7. 进入到软件所安装到的目录下,运行./patch_cadence2012运行过程中不用理会任何的error和warning
8. 结束之后,lic文件在license/cds-flexlm/cadence.dat 打开之,
SERVER localhost.localdomain ANYport=26000 将蓝色部分改为用户名和机器名
DAEMON cdslmd /home/cadence-tools/cadence/license/cds-flexlm/cdslmd将蓝色部分改为安装源文件下license文件夹所在的路径
9. 配置.tcshrc文件, 复制之前的ius920的配置,将LM_LICENSE_FILE指向新之前所提到的cadence.dat。重新source .tcshrc即可