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Black Octopus Sound - Kulture Neuro Bass WAV | 954 Mb

Welcome to the dark and aggressive world of Kulture Neuro Bass. This massive 1.25 GB sample pack is packed full of twisted neuro bass, terrorizing growls, hypnotic leads, organic foley, gritty granulized bass, and more.

Kulture Neuro Bass is a complete treasure chest of futuristic and wicked bass sounds waiting to be torn apart in your favorite DAW. The sounds will feel right at home in drum and bass, dubstep, glitch hop, electro, and hardcore productions, but there is no reason they cannot find their way into other genres.

All of the sounds have been labelled with the key and serve as excellent puzzle pieces waiting to be fused together with one another. Advanced techniques such as granular synthesis and resampling have been used to achieve sounds not otherwise possible in a simple synth patch. The extensive foley section provides a wide variety of organic real life sounds that really work magic when layered with the robotic mutant bass layers. Check out the demo for a taste of what this pack has to offer.


24 Bit Quality


1160 Sounds total

249 Recorded foley

189 Granulized Bass

95 Growls

11 Atmospheres

21 Melodies

17 Pads

56 Metallic sounds

405 Neuro bass

35 Reese bass

82 Resampled bass

黑八达通声音-Kulture 神经低音 WAV |954 mb

欢迎来到 Kulture 神经低音黑暗和侵略性的世界。这种大规模的 1.25 GB 样品包充满扭曲的神经低音,恐吓咆哮、 催眠线索、 有机 foley、 坚韧不拔的 granulized 低音,和更多。

Kulture 神经低音是完整的财宝箱,等待被撕裂的未来派和恶人低音声音在你最喜欢的昂山相隔。听起来会觉得右在家中鼓和低音、 dubstep、 故障跳、 电,骨灰级的作品,但他们不能找到路并入其他音乐类型没有理由。

所有的声音与键被贴上标签,并作为优秀拼图等待与彼此融合。颗粒的合成和重采样等先进的技术被用于实现声音不否则为可能在简单 synth 修补程序。广泛的 foley 部分提供种类繁多的有机现实生活声音,真正的工作时分层与机器人突变低音层的魔法。签出演示,一尝什么此包已提供。

详细信息 ︰

24 位质量

1.25 GB

1160 听起来总


189 Granulized 低音

95 咆哮

11 大气

21 旋律

17 垫

56 金属敲击的声音

405 神经低音

35 岁的瑞茜低音

82 Resampled 低音