《新科学家》New Scientist是全世界最为知名的科学普及杂志。文章全部由世界知名获奖科学记者撰写,向读者提供社会、经济及环境等全方面各项最新、最有趣、最激动人心的研究成果。杂志旨在向大众报道最近的科技发展,但也被科学界的专家们广为传阅。New Scientist杂志的文章在全球科学界具有极高的影响力,通常被认为是与Scientific American齐名的大众化高水平学术期刊。
New Scientist创刊于1956年,由Reed Elsevier的子公司 Reed Business Information Ltd出版。New Scientist杂志报道当今的科技进展和来自科学界的新闻与评论,其中包含气候变化等环境问题。杂志也包含从技术性到哲学等领域的思辨性文章。
New Scientist is a weekly international science magazine and website covering recent developments in science and technology for a general English-speaking audience. New Scientist has maintained a website since 1996, publishing daily news. As well as covering current events and news from the scientific community, the magazine often features speculative articles, ranging from the technical to the philosophical.
New Scientist – 17 May 2014-P2P
English | 60 pages | 52.4 MB