Computer Music 顾名思义是一本美国地区关于电脑音乐的杂志
杂志帮助读者用PC或者Mac的软件制作音乐,每期都能包含很多各种简单的软件和教程来帮助你创作,还有无偏见的评论和最新的作品,并有专家来回答你的问题。你是音乐爱好者吗 你热爱用计算机制作音乐吗 又或者你想提高外语阅读能吗?Computer Music 杂志可以帮助你~
Computer Music’s goal is to help its readers create great music with a PC or Mac. Each month find easy-to-follow tutorials for all sorts of music software, unbiased reviews of the latest products, answers to technical questions, and a Dual Layer DVD-ROM packed with software and samples.
Release name: Computer Music – July 2014-P2P
Size: 27MB
Format: PDF
Pages: 116 pages
Link: Homepage