Delcam CRISPIN 是一款基于 PC 运行的专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 解决方案,是公认的全球领先、唯一能为制鞋业提供数字化全面解决方案的软件系统,包含从鞋楦、鞋款设计到 2D 样板工程、级放和鞋片切割、鞋底鞋模配件设计与加工、检测、逆向工程等多个软件模块,每个模块都可以独立运行。它为鞋类企业各设计部门,开发部门,制造部门和供应商提供了一个统一的工作平台,使他们能快速、有效地进行鞋类 2D、3D 设计、造型、逆向工程、放码、制造(包括工艺)。Delcam CRISPIN Orthopaedic 矫形和定制鞋 CAD/CAM 系统,和矫形鞋垫设计与加工系统OrthoModel和OrthoMill,更是该领域的一款绝对领先的产品。
ShoeMaker is the design tool for creating realistic 3D concept designs for commercial approval, which incorporates the upper and sole design within a single environment. All
combined tools allow you to quickly and easily produce 3D concept designs that can be rendered or prototyped.
Delcam CRISPIN ShoeMaker Pro is the easy to use and learn solution for concept footwear design and sole/mould engineering.
ShoeMaker Pro incorporates the Delcam
PowerSHAPE Pro tribrid modelling kernel, with advanced 3D engineering functionality for producing accessories, sole units, heels and moulds, plus functionality for morphing,
texture wrapping and EVA grading. ShoeMaker Pro is the only 3D CAD solution that integrates the last upper and sole in the same single environment. ShoeMaker Pro replaces
Delcam CRISPIN ShoeDesign and SoleEngineer as the product of choice for 3D concept footwear design and sole unit engineering
Delcam CRISPIN provide solutions for....
Scanning lasts, or feet to produce custom-fitting shoes
Last engineering and grading, with outputs for CAM.
Concept footwear design and modelling, sole unit engineering, grading and machining
Pattern development, grading and assessment.
Pallet engineering and layouts for auto-stitching machines
Producing technical manufacturing specifications.
Nesting & cutting pattern parts.
Footwear costing
Projection nesting and leather cutting.