CG数据库 >> Portable Eos Systems Photomodeler Scanner 2013.0.0.910 平面扫描三维测量软件

Portable Eos Systems Photomodeler Scanner 2013.0.0.910 平面扫描三维测量软件的图片1

PhotoModeler Scanner 帮助你从照片扫描中获取测量数据,创建准确,高品质的三维模型。PhotoModeler Scanner能够完成许多建模和测量任务,与基础的PhotoModeler产品不同的是,它能扫描照片并配对生成高密度点状云和网状表面。

PhotoModeler Scanner具有PhotoModeler的所有功能,并另有更多功能,可以完成密集曲面建模(DSM)。

PhotoModeler Scanner还包括有目标编码和模块理想化校正功能。

PhotoModeler Scanner的核心算法是密集曲面建模(DSM for short)技术。

使用PhotoModeler Scanner进行扫描,结合PhotoModeler的几何分析能力,能够达到两者功能的最佳搭配。

Portable Eos Systems Photomodeler Scanner 2013.0.0.910 | 119 Mb

The PhotoModeler Scanner software has all the capabilities of the base PhotoModeler product plus the capability to do Dense Surface Modeling (DSM), 3d scanning and SmartMatch.

Which product, PhotoModeler or PhotoModeler Scanner, is the best match for your application? To help you decide, a quick comparison is shown on the Products home page.

Learn more about what cameras work best with PhotoModeler Scanner.

The SmartMatch DSM page shows the breadth of the capabilities when using SmartMatch to setup projects for DSM work.

A comprehensive and detailed list of features.

Dense Surface Modeling is used in any application where a large number of 3D points are needed. The surfaces being modeled need a natural or random texture (or that texture can be applied or projected). Most applications where a 3d laser scanner works, DSM will work also.

Some DSM applications are:

Archaeology: get a dense cloud of points of stratified dig surfaces; non-contact scans of artifacts.

Architecture and Preservation: obtain a dense surface cloud of a stone wall or structure; capture the detail in a building facade.

Art / Museum / Curatorial: non-contact surface scans of bas-reliefs, masks, and some statues.

Civil Engineering: models of cuts and fills in road work; models, surfaces and measurements of stock piles; sand dune surveys for erosion monitoring.

Film and animation: scan sets and objects for modeling; help produce highly accurate bump maps of real surfaces.

Forensics: 3D scans of bite marks; 3d surface scans of tire marks and foot imprints in soil and wet sand.

Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Measurement: surface shape of manufactured parts (using a projected random pattern); modeling deformation of fabrics and gossamer materials.

Medicine: 3D scans of skin surface for body morphological measurements; point clouds and surfaces of a child’s back with scoliosis.

Mining, Excavation and Geotechnical: surface models of open pit mine faces, cliffs, exposed rock characteristics; models of slag heaps and stockpiles; volcano monitoring.

See the Applications and Examples page to view projects completed with PhotoModeler Scanner. View the Introductory Tutorial Video to see how a simple DSM project is run.

PhotoModeler Scanner includes a powerful meshing library so no separate point cloud, meshing, filtering, clean up tool is required. PhotoModeler Scanner contains everything you need to go from photographs to completed triangulated meshes ready for export.