CG数据库 >> 数据接口转换软件

数据接口转换软件的图片1Delcam Exchange是一款功能强大,高速、安全的 CAD 数据接口转换软件,它既可与Delcam的其它软件模块集成运行,也可独立运行,还支持在线数据转换服务,是目前业界最领先,最可靠的在线转换器之一。

Delcam Exchange 支持广泛的 CAD 数据格式,包括通用数据格式和专用数据格式。

Delcam Exchange 软件完全免费,而使用它进行数据转换则以按次付费方式进行。您可从Delcam 网站免费下载 Delcam Exchange,免费输入、查看所支持格式的CAD模型。Delcam Exchange 提供的这一独特的模型预览功能,使用户在付费进行模型格式转换之前,可预览所转换的模型文件,从而使用户对文件转换质量绝对放心,免除用户对转换质量和转换效果的顾虑。

Delcam Exchange 的用户界面新颖、流畅,转换操作轻松、简便。独特的用户帐户管理,使经常使用的用户能将他们的详细资料保存在系统中,不用重复填写转换申请表格。也可提前预付多次转换费用,免去每次转换均需付款的麻烦。

使用Delcam Exchange可节省转换CAD数据的费用和时间,这是因为:






输入格式 - Unigraphics (with NX6 parts),CATIA V4 and V5R18 ( with V5 solids),AutoCAD ( including 2007),AutoDesk Inventor,Rhino 3 and 4 DM,SolidWorks (2009 parts),Parasolid,SDRC – IDEAS,Pro/E-Wildfire3 / Wildfire4,Pro/E assembly files,Pro/E- 2001, 2000i 和 2000i2,Solid Edge,Cimatron Elite 8.0301,ACIS 17.0 files,VDA-FS,IGES,STEP,Delcam Parts,PowerSHAPE Version 20 models,Delcam DGK,SpaceClaim 至 2007 版本

输出格式 - CATIA V5,IGES,Rhino 3 and 4 DM,Parasolid XT,STEP,Decrypted Pro/E,STL,AutoCAD,ACIS,Delcam DMT,Delcam DGK,VDA-FS,U3D files

Delcam Exchange 2013 R4 Win32 Win64-SSQ | 108MB

Delcam Exchange is a powerful tool that converts CAD data from one format to another. With Delcam Exchange you can import CAD models into your CAD or CAM system reliably, no matter which CAD software created the original data. The unique voucher system means that you only pay for what you use.

Delcam Exchange is a powerful CAD data translator that:

can read and write all commonly used CAD format files.

lets you see in detail what is in any CAD file before you pay for the translation.

translates files on your own PC with no need to upload sensitive data over the Internet.

comes with a full money-back guarantee.

is flexible, and easy-to-use.


Year / Date of Release: 2013

Version: 2013 R4 Build 7.3.1003

Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit

Language: Multilingual

Team: SolidSQUAD-SSQ