SolidCAM 公司创建于1984年,总部位于以色列,其120多个销售渠道,遍布美国、英国、法国、德国、丹麦、加拿大、新加坡、印度、日本、中国等全球46个国家。SolidCAM的创始人和首席运营官——Emil Somekh 博士在CAD/CAM 开发和应用方面拥有三十多年的从业经历。
SolidCAM为制造业用户提供了从2.5轴铣削、3轴铣削、多面体4/5轴定位铣削、高速铣削(HSM)、5轴联动铣削、车削和高达5轴的车铣复合加工、线切割等编程模块。在2009年末,SolidCAM更是推出了革命性的高效加工策略——iMachining。SolidCAM可以实现与SolidWorks无缝集成在同一界面下,任何规模的公司都能够从SolidCAM和SolidWorks联合解决方案中找到属于自己的高效加工解决方案,SolidCAM增长迅速,全球权威战略顾问公司CIMdata在CIMdata NC软件市场的报告中命名SolidCAM为连续7年增长速度最快的CAM软件供应商,年增幅平稳保持在30%以上。SolidCAM现有超过16,000家工业和教育用户,广泛分布于制造业、电子、医疗、消费品、机床设计、汽车和航空航天工业,在工模具和快速成型行业也得到了广泛的应用。
SolidCAM 2012 SP6 | 4.1 Gb
Languages: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian,
Italian, Japanese,Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
SolidCAM presents revolutionary iMachining in action and the World Premiere of SolidCAM 2012 at SolidWorks World 2012. Wherever and whenever the revolutionary iMachining for SolidCAM is shown, the result is always the same – astonishment! "Seeing is believing", as the newly initiated say they would not have believed the claims of up to 70% savings in machining time and dramatic tool life increase, if they had not just seen iMachining in action for themselves.
The same holds true for SolidCAM's 2012 release. With its new time saving "Parallel Computing", incredible new graphics and advanced cutting functionality, the obvious challenge for SolidCAM is to get people to understand and believe the advancements by showing, to as many people as possible, SolidCAM 2012 and iMachining in action. SolidCAM meets this challenge head-on with their participation in SolidWorks World 2012, in San Diego, CA, taking the show experience for attendees to an entirely new level.
For 11 years, SolidCAM has participated in SolidWorks World to give highlights of their product innovations and a chance to meet with SolidWorks resellers and users to fully understand exactly what it takes to be the best integrated CAM for SolidWorks.
This year, SolidCAM take its participation to an entirely new level with a laser focus on showing actual product programming and part cutting. Advances in HSM, automated sim. 5 axis SWARF cutting and expanded Turning Tool Catalog are also featured. Dr. Emil Somekh, Managing Director of SolidCAM commented, “the advancements that we have made in SolidCAM and iMachining are just incredible. If I did not get a chance to see them in action on a daily basis and hear the amazing feedback from our customers, I likely would not have believed how powerful they are. Our greatest challenge now is just getting the opportunity for people to actually experience SolidCAM and iMachining, so they too can be convinced this is for real".
About SolidCAM Ltd.
With over 27 years expertise in CAM development and applications, SolidCAM started out as a fully integrated CAD/CAM system. After many years of successful development, the founder, Dr. Emil Somekh, realized it was more efficient to focus on developing an integrated CAM system for SolidWorks and thus leverage all the power of the company to develop the CAM functionality and use the great import and CAD power of SolidWorks. This same architecture was used to later integrate with Inventor also.
Name: SolidCAM
Version: 2012 SP6 build 50435
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
System Requirements: SolidWorks 2010-2013 preinstall
Size: 4.1 Gb
Special Thanks Team SolidSQUAD-SSQ