CG数据库 >> 电磁场分析



结合SolidWorks的强大功能与ElectroMagneticWorks最精确的高阶有限元素分析,EMS为直流/交流马达、变压器、断路器的电机设计生产建立了标准。 它的设计是藉由重要参数的计算来帮助您看透设计产品的效能。


静电分析Electrostatics  ‧ EMS的静电分析功能让您透过电位(Electronics Potential)、电场分布(Field Distributions)、电容(Capacitance)与静电力(Electrostatic Force)的计算来协助看透设计的效能。  Read More>>   电传导分析Conduction  ‧ EMS的电传导分析功能可解决电流问题,例如电流分布(Current Distribution)、电阻(Resistance)、损耗功率(Power Dissipation)与过量电压(Overvoltage)的问题。  Read More>>   静磁分析Magnetostatics  ‧ 不论您是使用永磁线圈、线性与非线性材料,EMS的静磁功能是协助您掌握设计的最佳工具。  Read More>>   交流电磁场分析AC Magnetics  ‧ EMS的交流电磁场模组可计算电磁设备因交流电(Alternating Current)或电压所造成的效应。 这些效应包括涡电流(Eddy Currents)、集肤效应(skin effects)、涡电流损耗(Eddy Current lost)。 可直接计算求解出磁场强度(Magnetic Field)、磁通密度(Magnetic Flux Density)、涡电流(Eddy Currents),并推导出电感(Inductance)、力量(Force)、扭矩(Torque)、磁交链( Flux Linkage)、涡电流损耗(Eddy Current losses)。  Read More>>   暂态磁场分析Transient  ‧ 暂态磁场分析模组可计算电磁设备随时间变化的磁场。 这些磁场通常由电压与电流激增所导致,这类型的分析可为线性或非线性。 磁场强度(Magnetic Field)、磁通密度(Magnetic Flux Density)与涡电流(Eddy Current)皆可直接从此模组计算出来。其他辅助性数据如电感(Inductance)、力量(Force)、扭矩(Torque)、磁交链(Flux Linkage)、涡电流损耗(Eddy Current Losses)可由主要的计算结果来推算。  Read More>>   热传分析Thermal  ‧ 热传分析可直接与电磁模拟搭配进行耦合分析。 电传导中的功率损耗会被运用为热传分析中的热源,藉由热传分析可预测温度的分布情形。

ElectroMagneticWorks (EMWorks) EMS 2013 SP0.0 | 204.0 mb

EMS is a 3D electromagnetic field simulator software suite, based on the powerful finite element method for SolidWorks. EMS is Gold Certified by SolidWorks and targets four main areas: electromechanical, electromagnetic, power electronics, and electromagnetic behaviour. Each of its five modules: Electrostatic, Conduction, Magnetostatic, AC-Magnetic, and Transient, has a built-in fully integrated thermal solver. EMS empowers the designer to compute electric, magnetic, mechanical, and thermal parameters including, force, torque, magnetic flux density, magnetic field, electric field, electric flux, current flow, eddy current, inductance, capacitance, resistance, flux linkage, core loss, saturation, induced voltage, force density, power loss, temperature, temperature gradient, heat flux and more.

More info: this



- ElectroMagneticWorks (EMWorks) EMS 2012 (64bit) SP1.0

- nPower PowerSurfacing (64bit) 1.20.7359 for SolidWorks 2012-2013

Power Surfacing is a revolutionary SolidWorks plugin product that will fundamentally change the way that engineers and designers design parts in SolidWorks. Power Surfacing makes it easy and fun to design complex free form aesthetically pleasing Class A surfaces in SolidWorks. No longer will you have to fight with patching a set of trimmed surfaces together to form complex curved shapes; manipulating Power Surfacing parts is as simple as modeling with clay.


About ElectroMagneticWorks, Inc

ElectroMagneticWorks provides electromagnetic and magnetic software and simulation tools as an Add-in to SolidWorks®. The company's flagship products are EMS, HFWorks, and ATLASS.

EMS includes electrostatic, current flow or electric conduction, magnetostatic or DC magnetics, eddy current or AC -time harmonic- analysis, transient or pulsed magnetic, and thermal simulations.

HFWorks includes s-parameter or scattering parameters, antenna or radiation, and resonance or eigenvalue simulation.

Antenna design and simulation software

Both EMS and HFWorks are based the finite element method and together cover a wide range of electromagnetics applications operating at DC, AC, RF, Microwave, and Wireless frequencies. Such applications include motors, generators, linear and rotational actuators, relays, MEMS, magnetic recording heads, magnetic levitation, solenoids, loud speakers, coils, permanent magnets, sensors, NDT, NDE, high power, high voltage, PCBs, transformers, inverters, converters, bus bars, inductors, insulation studies, bushings, electrostatic discharge, electromagnetic shielding, EMI, EMC, semiconductors, medical devices, eddy current devices, fuses, circuit breakers, capacitors, antennas, IC packages, connectors, couplers, multiplexers, filters, antenna feeds, RF coils, chip-package-boards, RF MEMS, EM field exposure, resonators, accelerators, circulators, attenuators, twists and bends, oscillators, tuning elements, matching circuits, etc. These devices can readily be designed and optimized with the highest level of accuracy with unparalleled ease of use. EMS and HFWorks are both Gold Certified by SolidWorks Corporation.

Name: ElectroMagneticWorks (EMWorks) EMS

Version: 2013 (64bit) Build SP0.0

Interface: english

OS: Windows Vista / Seven

System Requirements: SolidWorks 2013 SP0.0 and above (Only 64bit)

Size: 204.0 mb

Special Thanks SSQ