DEP Mesh Works/Morpher 是美国DEP(Detroit Engineered Products Inc.)公司1994年研发的一款高级网格变形、网格划分软件,2012年发布了最新版本6.1。其可利用已有的网格模型,通过改变网格节点的位置,网格形状来改变产品几何形状,无需重新返回到CAD模型中直接修改几何模型,通过此种方法来修改几何形状大大节约了CAE模型的处理时间。
除网格变形功能之外,软件还支持网格表面插入特征曲线、网格缝合、网格映射、包面等功能,为CAE建模提供了各种方便实用的工具。此外,参数化建模功能,多个变形变量设置功能,批处理运行等高级功能使得DEP MeshWorks / Morpher能与优化软件一起耦合求解各类优化问题。
MeshWorks 6.1-R2 | 1.1 Gb
MeshWorks is a groundbreaking CAE software package. It is a major new release with substantial depth added to existing functionality and with new modules such as auto-hex-meshing, advanced-meshing, advanced parameterizations, quality improvements tools, etc. It allows users to:
- Morph existing FEA & CFD models to new requirements and target geometry data in a fast and efficient manner.
- Parameterize existing FE/CFD models to impart the intelligence of shape, structural, material, welding, feature, macro and topology parameters (the parameterized model can subsequently be used for DOE & optimization studies).
- Create concept models by "cutting, morphing & stitching" existing CAE models.
- Create automatic hexahedral (100 %) meshes from skin mesh geometry of very complex components such as engine blocks, cylinder heads etc.
- Perform advanced meshing operations such as "tetra-boolean" operations, acoustic cavity meshing, auto-rib creation etc. which are typically not found in other pre-processors.
MeshWorks contain 3 major modules:
- MeshWorks Morpher
MeshWorks Morpheris revolutionary software that enables the user to rapidly change an existing FE / CFD Mesh into a new target shape without having to redraw it in the CAD system. This disruptive new technology saves significant time and money for new product development. Major automotive, aerospace and consumer electronics companies have been licensing and using this software product since 2000. Meshworks Morpher tools can be used throughout the development phase of any product.
- MeshWorks Advance Mesher
Perform advanced meshing operations such as "Tetra-Boolean" operations, acoustic cavity meshing, auto-rib creation etc. typically not found in other pre-processors.
- MeshWorks HexMesher
Create automatic hexahedral (100 %!!!) meshes from skin mesh geometry of a very complex components such as engine blocks, cylinder heads etc.
MeshWorks Morpher comes with Morpher module & other supporting modules such as Parameterization, Control Block Creation, Basic Mesh, Tools, Model Assembly, and Quality.
About Detroit Engineered Products Inc.
Detroit Engineered Products (DEP) began in Michigan as an engineering consulting and software products firm specializing in the area of Product Development and solutions. The company has been in business since 1998, providing the tools and services to all major automotive OEM's and several major Tier I suppliers. The Indian division was incorporated in the year 2000 in Chennai, India. DEP products and services have a wide array of applications including automotive, aerospace, consumer goods, bio-medical, heavy industrial. In 2007, Autoline Industries (AIL) announced a strategic merger with Detroit Engineered Products.
Name: MeshWorks
Version: 6.1-R2
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Seven
Size: 1.1 Gb