可以检查ATA硬盘是否要出现故障. S.M.A.R.T 功能全程 Self-monitoring Analysis and reporting techology) 硬盘自行检测发汇报硬件故障.
SMARTReporter 3.1 (Mac OS X) | 4.29 Mb
SMARTReporter is an application that can warn you of some hard disk drive failures before they actually happen! It does so by periodically polling the built-in S.M.A.R.T. status of your hard disk drives as well as performing other checks for "I/O errors" or R.A.I.D "degradation". The current status of your hard disk drives is always easily recognizable because SMARTReporter changes its icon (optionally in the menubar) from green to red if a problem occurs.
What's New in Version 3.1
• Fix problem where e-mail delivery to some e-mail addresses would be impossible
• Fix problem where disks in ZFS volumes would not be checked
• Fix problem where labels in the attribute graph would be cut off
• Fix problem with daily status e-mails being delivered at the wrong time (also when crossing DST)
• Increase maximum interval for S.M.A.R.T. checking non-boot disks to a week
• Updated default menu icon set ("Disks") and the icon sets "Signs" and "Black signs" to retina-resolution
• Update to newer Growl SDK to fix annoying log message
• Usability improvements to the history tab, the e-mail sending & the ignore disk-list
• Warn when the Tryout version is still installed and running in addition to the full version
• Improved accuracy of the reported name of disks with I/O errors
• Improved performance and responsiveness
• Allow hiding of the Dock icon without restarting SMARTReporter (starting with 10.7)
• List disks that are actually S.M.A.R.T. checked in the check details information
• Updated smartmontools (v6.1) to support newer disks for S.M.A.R.T. attribute display
• Fixed Swedish localization
• The minimum system requirements have been raised to Mac OS X 10.6.8
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