Xpressive for Mac是一款专门在Mac OS X系统运行的CSS3即时设计工具,能够让你使用WebInspectors即时编辑出CSS3,使你的网站变得富有张力和吸引力。
使用Xpressive for Mac,您可以快速,轻松地创建Web内容。 Xpressive for Mac会HTML5和CSS3多种直观的编辑功能。编辑,调整,并保存编码的变化,而你可以直接预览你的网页内容,将你的任何想法都变成现实。
过去的时候,网站开发人员经常需要反复停止编码以预览更改,这是一个循环无尽的重建工作。但现在有一个新的进程 - “直播”的设计,只需用Xpressive for Mac编写带有'live'设计项的编码。
为了调试HTML和CSS ,这是需要使用您的浏览器或编码工具预览。这是需要重新加载页面,并多次重写代码。如果您的编码技能不高,这个过程可能会非常紧凑,并花掉你许多时间。
Xpressive for Mac拥有可视化编辑功能,创建一个即时的反馈环路。这种反馈环直接连接到该用户的代码。因此,您可以更快速地实现你的结果。设计师和前端工程师可以有更少的压力和自己的时间,可以做更多的效率的事情。
XPressive 2.0.0 | MacOSX | 15.4 MB
XPressive is a CSS3 live authoring tool. You can rapidly and easily create Web content. XPressive has many intuitive editing features for HTML5 and CSS3. Edit, tweak, and save coding changes directly while you preview your Web content. Your ideas will become reality as soon as you think of them.
- Designed to give designers complete front-end creation capabilities in real time
- Xpressive has many features to assist your interface design.
- Mainly you will control the 4 features like DOM Tree Editor, Style Inspector, Realtime Preview and Finder. Each of those features will improve the productivity of your interface design.
- From writing static web pages to setting up the interface of complex web applications, Xpressive's many uses offer users high levels of productivity.
- Prottype Coding & Live Mockup Preview Static Web Site Huge Web Application UI CSS Graphic Design & Property Learning
- Concept:Edit Your Interface Visually
- Xpressive provides you a GUI-Based live coding environment. Make a change by inspectors and have it immediately reflect on what is displayed on screen without reloading a page. You can achieve your results much more quickly.
- Concept:Be More Productive & Less Busy
- Xpressive provides you a high productivity on your workflow. You never have to “read and write your code” with Text Editor. Xpressive manages your code behind instead.
OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor