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Industrial Strength - Mrotek - Rawstyle MULTiFORMAT | 2.39 Gb

Rawstyle: Mrotek' brings you three amazing sound sets to create all the essential synth and drum sounds you will need for Rawstyle and Hardstyle production. The pack features sound sets for Native Instruments Massive, Lennar Digital Sylenth1 and of course the workhorse of all electronic music, Access Virus.

Rawstyle' presents a hard-hitting style from Holland that has been taking over all the huge festivals in Europe. Over the last few years, it's ever reaching power has even hit the shores of the USA. Producer Mrotek has created a powerhouse production tool kit to dive deep into this amazing new style. His productions have been on Dirty Workz Anarchy, Spoontech and DJ's United to name a few.

He has also created numerous colabs and remixes with such artist as Riiho, Prime Suspects, Deimos, MC Heretik, Arctus and Imperium. This pack has sonic influences from such artist as Delete, E-Force, B-Front, Sub Sonik and Unresolved. Each bank offers up super dope screech sounds, dark pads, huge leads and screaming FX. Everything you here in the demo was created from the presets included in this red hot production pack.

Of course it does not stop there, also included is a great set of MIDI and audio files to make a full Rawstyle collection of production tools for any DAW. Also included are synth and drum sounds for NI Kontakt 5 and NI Battery 4, just in case you don't own any of the synths included in this pack. As an extra special feature Rawstyle takes your production to the next level by giving you a very unique collection of signal chain presets for Cubase. Each preset gives you the production power to create heavy sounds in this versatile DAW. The Cubase presets include delays, reverb and kick drum effects.


• 24-Bit WAV Audio

• NI Kontakt

• NI Battery 4

• NI Massive

• Sylenth 1

• Access Virus

• Cubase



工业强度的mrotek - rawstyle格式| 2.39 GB

rawstyle:mrotek”带给你三惊人的声音设置创建所有必需的合成器和鼓的声音,你会rawstyle和美女的生产需要。包装功能的声音设置为Native Instruments块状,Lennar数字sylenth1当然所有电子音乐的主力,访问病毒。


他还创作和混音等艺术家为riiho,众多colabs主要嫌疑人,火卫二,MC heretik,阿克图斯和帝国。这包有声波的影响从这样的艺术家为删除,巡逻队,b-front,子索尼克和未解决的。各银行提供超级涂料的尖叫的声音,黑垫,巨大的商机和尖叫FX。你在这里的演示是从预设创建包含在这个火热的生产包。

当然,它不会停在那里,还包括一个巨大的MIDI和音频文件到任何DAW充分rawstyle生产工具集。还包括合成器和鼓镍和镍电池Kontakt 5 4声,以防万一你不拥有任何合成器包含在这个包。作为一个额外的特殊功能rawstyle以生产到下一级的给你的Cubase信号链预置一个非常独特的收藏。每一个预设给你的生产能力在这个多才多艺的DAW创造沉重的声音。的Cubase预置包括延迟、混响和底鼓的影响。






•sylenth 1



