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Fluffy Audio Stefania Maratti Solo Flute KONTAKT | 4.98 Gb

Stefania Maratti - Solo Flute is the first instrument from the Fluffy Audio Woodwinds series. Stefania Marrati is a renowned flutist who has developed a lovely sound over the year. She plays a rare and precious pink-gold flute, with an amazing timbre which can fit both orchestral and solo music.

We’ve sampled a handful of top woodwind players at the Teatro delle Voci in Treviso. We present here the gorgeous sound of Stefania Maratti, an experienced flutist who plays her lovely pink-gold flute with lots of heart. Her instrument has lots of character, and it fits beautifully both in solo work and in orchestral contexts.

The Solo Flute features three full octaves, 3 dynamic layers for sustained articulations, 3 true legato articulations, 4 Round Robins for short articulations like Staccato. There’s a wide selections of effects like Flutter, Air Noises, Tongue Rams, Singed articulations. We provide you the ability to create yourunique sound by mixing the 3 microphones positions (Close, Mid and Far). The script features our new Articulations Editor which allows to precisely control each of the articulations included and create your own ones. The sampling was made with top quality gear: Schoeps microphones, Neve and Millennia Media preamps.

Fluffy Audio Stefania Maratti Solo Flute KONTAKT


6937 samples

5.45 GB ncw compressed sample pool (10 GB original sample size)

3 mic positions

3 octaves note range

Vibrato, Non-Vibrato, Crescendo, Decrescendo, Accented

Three types of True Legato: Tongued, Immediate and Expressive.

2 optional legato modes for quick runs

Staccato and Staccato Tight with 4 RRs

Min and Maj Trills

Long FX: Flutter, Muted Flutter, Singed, Airsound, FX Menu

Short FX: Note Breaks, Overblown Staccato, Tongue Ram

DCE Engine for dynamic blending

3 dynamic layers for sustained articulations

Articulation Editor

Pitch-Wheel controlled sub articulations remappable to any CC

Improved humanized tuning

Automatic legato speed based on the analysis of your performance

17 Impulse Reverbs

Animated GUI with many configurable parameters

Ready-to-play presets

蓬松的音频斯特凡帕瓦罗蒂独奏长笛开播 |4.98 Gb

斯特凡帕瓦罗蒂-独奏长笛是蓬松的音频木管乐器系列从第一项文书。斯特凡 Marrati是著名的长笛演奏家年患有一个可爱的声音。她扮演稀有和珍贵的粉色黄金长笛,惊人的音色可以适合管弦乐和独奏的音乐。


独奏长笛特点三全八度音阶,持续表达,3 3 动态层真正的 legato 关节,4 轮罗宾斯为短关节像断奏。还有的颤振,空气噪声,舌头踊跃,如公羊式份关节影响的广泛选择。我们为您提供了创建 yourunique 声音混合 3 麦克风职位的能力 (近、 中、远)。脚本功能我们新的关节编辑器,它允许精确地控制每个关节包括和创建你自己的人。采样用高质量齿轮 ︰ Schoeps 麦克风 Neve 与几千年来媒体的前置放大器。


详细信息 ︰

6937 样品

网络中心战 5.45 GB 压缩样品池 (10 GB 原始样本大小)

3 个麦克风位置

3 个八度音阶注意范围


三种类型的真实 Legato ︰ 舌的人,立即和表现力。

2 可选 legato 模式快速运行

断奏和断奏紧 4 rr

Min 和少校颤音

长富驿时尚 ︰ 颤振,柔和的颤振,被烧焦,Airsound,FX 菜单

短的 FX ︰ 注意休息,夸大其辞的断奏,舌头 Ram

DCE 发动机为动力的混合

3 动态层为持续表达的


沥青轮控制子表达到任何 CC remappable


基于你的表现分析的自动 legato 速度

17 冲动混响

动画的 GUI 与许多可配置参数
