CG数据库 >> SKnote Roundtone V2.0.1

SKnote Roundtone V2.0.1的图片1

SKnote Roundtone v2.0.1 | 7.3 MB

Multitrack Tape emulation with delay. Simple interface. Punch and Tone.

- Roundtone is a tape emulation software.

- It adds typical tape recording interesting side-effects to every audio track.

- Useful on single tracks (mono/stereo) and on submixes/mixes.

- Very light on CPU and latency-free, adds punch, color and gently compresses the sound.

- Includes several algorithms (different tape, saturation curve, color, response). More to came in future free updates.

- "Emphasis" control adds color while preserving the high frequencies.

- Includes an optional 2nd stage of saturation (head).

- v.2: Multi-track and Multi-machine modes. Link several tracks to the same Tape Machine to control from a single interface. Trasform any host to a virtual Multitrack Tape Recording system

- v.2: Multimode oversampling (with optional "on export" mode for low cpu load). Hi-Quality (non linear phase, IIR) and Super-Quality (linear phase, FIR) oversampling. Select "Now" modes for realtime, "Export" modes for rendering

- v.2: 7.5ips algorithms and "Dirty" algorithms for more harmonics

- v.2: dry/wet mix knob with sample accurate alignment