CG数据库 >> Zeitanker Annotation Edit 1.9.64 Multilangual MacOSX

Zeitanker Annotation Edit 1.9.64 Multilangual MacOSX的图片1

Zeitanker Annotation Edit 1.9.64 Multilangual | MacOSX | 17.9 MB

Annotation Edit is a unique editor for professional subtitles, captions and annotations. Annotation Edit is designed to give production houses and eLearning environments a smooth subtitle workflow for Apple DVD Studio Pro / Final Cut Pro, QuickTime WebTV and broadcast. Annotation Edit can import & export DVD Studio Pro/Spruce STL, STL EBU binary (all latin characters), Final Cut Pro XML - including italic style, alignment and position, SCC closed caption (line 21) - including italic style and position. Import of DVD Studio Pro subtitle track item description xml - all languages at once, including italic.

Annotation Edit Feature List

- Easy management and review of annotations from multiple authors.

- Annotate timecode, multiline text, rating, action, location, characters and more.

- Use any video format that QuickTime supports.

- Read native native time-code media offset.

- Support of Apple Remote Control for fast logging.

- Support of Contour Design Shuttle Products.

- Integrates standard QuickTime 1:1, 4:3 and 16:9 files seamlessly.

- Waveform time-line for visual response and editing.

- Instant audio spotting.

- Fast logging of transcripts with duration based on words per minute.

- Final Cut Pro HDTV support.

- Adobe Flash CS3 caption export (Example here).

- JW FLV Player caption export (Example here).

- Use Apple Motion 3 templates for rendering text in Final Cut Pro 6.

- SCC closed captions are coming back to the Mac, at least to an affordable price and enclosed into an attractive application.

- Export closed captions (SCC) for use with Apple Compressor and QuickTime.(Example here and here).

- Export SubStation (SSA) open subtitles for use with Perian Example here.

- Use audio only for easy file transfer and exchange.

- Auto validation and correction of continuous entries

- Editing and preview with video overlay

- Quick logging mode ("Just press the button") Example here.

- Create subtitled QuickTime movies without compression loss.

- Import: Final Cut Pro XML (multiple sequence subtitle projects : several text types and sequence markers), EBU STL binary, PAC, .890, browser edited files, DVD Studio Pro/Spruce .stl (utf-16, MacOSRoman), SubRip (almost any Windows encoding), MicroDVD, Avid DS, MS Excel XML,

- Import of DVD Studio Pro tracks, subtitle text, timecode, style and position information can be imported directly. InqScribe Tabbed Text import.

- Import and export of italic style, alignment and vertical position with STL EBU

- Export to Apple Final Cut Pro, Apple DVD Studio Pro, Avid, standard exchange formats: STL EBU binary latin, STL EBU Arte N19, PAC, QuickTime Text (full unicode support), Windows and Linux subtitle format: SubRip, batch lists (Final Cut Pro, Avid ALE), RTF with timecode. More file formats to come.

- DVD Studio Pro and Final Cut Pro support style and positioning for not colliding with pre-recorded lower thirds.

- Automatic text encoding recognition for DVD Studio Pro, Subrip srt and MicroDVD sub.

- Easy to add features with new plugins.

- Tight integration with Annotation Studio Server

- Already prepared for MPEG-7 metadata standard support.

- And not quite standard:

Unlimited text entries

Unlimited tracks

Mostly unlimited undo

And it is just fast and reliable ...

Changes 1.9.64 :

- Changes for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

- Revised Excel XML (italics) export.

- Revised DLP Cinema export.

- Revised w3c TimedText export (e.g. added Ooyala Timed Text).

- Revised EBU STL 0 vertical position import.

- Revised F5 import/export.

- Added ESUB-XF export (standard and EBU-STL).

- Moved SAMI and extended export to a plugin.

- Includes update of Annotation Transcriber.

- Includes update of zeitAnker Teletext demo.

- Polishes.

System requirements:

OS version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later