CG数据库 >> Digital Film Tools EZ Mask V2.004 Plug-in For Adobe Photoshop

Digital Film Tools EZ Mask V2.004 Plug-in For Adobe Photoshop的图片1

Adobe Photoshop插件,去除图像背景的工具。产生通道遮罩,会对原始图像进行修改。感觉只适合抠背景与前景反差较大的内容。

Digital Film Tools EZ Mask v2.004 Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop  | 14 MB

EZ Mask - an easy-to-use online tool for masking - removing or isolating an object in an image. With EZ Mask can isolate almost any object, even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. This extraction process creates what is called the "mask" - black and white subject. White areas are extracted, black areas not, and gray areas in between represent a level of transparency. The extracted object can then be inserted into the background in Adobe Photoshop, you can also apply filters to correct only the image area, selected by the mask.