CG数据库 >> 高级概念艺术家Maciej kuciara环境绘画教程

高级概念艺术家Maciej kuciara环境绘画教程的图片1

Duration 85h Project Files Included MP4

Title: Learn Squared – Intro to Environment Painting with Maciej Kuciara


Industry-leading senior concept artist Maciej Kuciara will teach you how to construct environment paintings using both 2D and 3D techniques, and how they apply to a modern video games production pipeline. Start with the foundations of art and architecture, and learn video game development pipelines to propel your environment painting skills to the next level.


标题:学习方–介绍和Maciej kuciara绘画环境


行业领先的高级概念艺术家Maciej kuciara将教你如何使用2D和3D技术构建环境的绘画,以及它们如何适用于现代视频游戏生产流水线。从艺术和建筑的基础开始,学习视频游戏开发管道,以推动你的环境绘画技能的下一个水平。