CG数据库 >> 音效下载Nova Loops Swizzys Rough Joints MultiFormat-AudioP2P

音效下载Nova Loops Swizzys Rough Joints MultiFormat-AudioP2P的图片1

Team AudioP2P | 06-28-2010 | 721.12 MB

Want your production to have swagg like Swizzy? Nova Loops delivers once again with Swizzy's Rough Joints. This product contains 30 bangin' multi-track construction loop sets averaging 8-10 parts delivering hundreds of ACID, APPLE, and REX loops n the style of multi-platinum producer Swizz Beatz. Mix and match loops, change tempos, and keys with ease. Recorded with incredible musicians, producers, pristine preamps, and converters to give you that Nova sound. Fruity Loops and FL Studio compatible.

团队 AudioP2P |2010/6/28 |721.12 MB

想要您的生产有像 Swizzy swagg 吗?Nova 循环再次提供 Swizzy 的粗糙关节。本产品包含 30 匆匆作出多轨道施工循环设置平均 8-10 部分交付了数以百计的酸,苹果和雷克斯循环 n 多白金生产商叫人失望 Beatz 的风格。混合和匹配回路,轻松改变节奏和键。用令人难以置信的音乐家、 生产者、 质朴的前置放大器和转换器给你那新星声音记录。果味循环和 FL Studio 兼容。