CG数据库 >> Maya+3dsmaxVRay介绍教程


10 Classes Project Files Included MP4

Title: FXPHD – VRY102 Introduction to V-Ray 3 for Maya


This course is an introduction to using V-Ray 3.0 for Autodesk Maya and 3DSMax. The course will focus on getting you lighting a few projects to give you experience in using V-Ray. The end of the course will focus on putting course content into action with two case study projects to enable you to put multiple course points to use in a single workflow.

By the end of this course, you will be familiar with how V-Ray works, and you will be able to:

•Shade objects with various material looks using V-Ray shaders.

•Use lights as well as the V-Ray Sun and Sky system to illuminate your scenes.

•Render with Global Illumination and discern the different engine combinations and how to mitigate render noise.

•Output render layers through Maya as well as V-Ray Render Elements and understand how to composite the elements back together (Back to Beauty comping) in After Effects.

10 类项目文件包括 MP4

标题 ︰ 数码 — — 玛雅 V-射线 3 VRY102 简介

信息 ︰

本课程是介绍如何使用 V-ray 3.0 玛雅和 3DSMax。本课程将着重于让你的照明几个项目,以使你体验在 V-射线。课程结束后的将重点把课程内容用两个案例研究项目,以使您能够放在单个工作流中使用的多个课程点付诸行动。

通过这门课程结束时,您将熟悉的 V-Ray 是如何工作的和你将能够 ︰

•Shade 对象与各种材料看起来使用 V-ray 着色器。

利用灯以及 V 射线太阳和天空的系统,来照亮你的场景。

•Render 与全局光照和辨别不同的引擎组合以及如何减轻渲染噪声。

类比呈现层通过玛雅以及 V-ray 渲染元素和了解如何对复合元素重新走到一起 (回︰ 美野营) 在后效果。