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Big Fish Audio Cinematic Percussion 3 MULTiFORMAT | 21.9 Gb

Big Fish Audio is Proud to present Cinematic Percussion 3, the latest in a series of some of the most iconic Cinematic percussion libraries available today. This library contains massive amounts of Cinematic percussion mixed with modern sound design elements that will transport you to different worlds, help you create hair-raising scores, and envelope you in the sonic world that is on the cutting edge of modern cinema.

Cinematic Percussion 3 also includes all original dry recordings of percussion elements giving the producer and mix engineer complete control over rhythmic and wet FX that are so crucial to the sound of today. 15 Construction kits are included ranging from 068-192 BPM jam-packed with percussion and sound design elements that are recorded in the highest quality 24-bit WAV and cut perfectly to bar lines.

Cinematic Percussion 3 has been formatted in the most widely-used formats: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV and REX files, making it usable in virtually every piece of software and hardware in use on the market today. In addition this library comes fully formatted for Kontakt as part of the Big Fish Audio KLI 3.0 Series which transforms this loop library into a truly moldable and musical writing instrument.


Cinematic Percussion 3 has been formatted in all the industry standard file types: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV and REX. Every piece of commonly used hardware and software will be compatible with at least one of these fully developed and usable formats. Each audio file has been expertly cut and edited to loop perfectly and has been recoded in the highest quality 24-bit rate to ensure absolutely top quality end results.

If you work primarily with Apple Products be sure to utilize the extra loop tagging functionality in Garageband and Apple Logic as well as Apple's proprietary time stretching and pitch bending algorithms. If you're working inside Protools, Cubase, Fruity Loops, Ableton Live, Sony ACID or any other DAW on the market, the Acidized WAV files are the perfect fit for time stretching and pitch bending capabilities. The Acidized WAV files can also be used as standard wav files in almost any music tool in production today.

Beat-makers and artists who love sampled melodic slices work well with our REX/RMX format that takes advantage of all the powerful programming found in Stylus RMX and the Dr. Octo REX player in Propellerheads Reason DAW.


15 Construction Kits

Apple Loops:

• 9.7 GB Total Content

• 875 Apple Loop Files

Acidized WAV:

• 9.85 GB Total Content

• 875 Acidized WAV Files


• 3.76 GB Total Content

• 1,187 REX Files

大鱼音频电影打击乐 3 繁多 |21.9 Gb

大鱼音频是自豪地今日出席电影打击乐 3,最新的一系列的一些最具代表性的电影打击乐库可用。此库包含大量的电影打击乐与现代音响设计元素,将把你送到不同的世界,帮助您创建令人毛骨悚然的分数和信封混合你在声波的世界中的最尖端的现代电影。

电影的打击乐 3 还包括所有原始干录制的打击乐元素给生产者和混合工程师完全控制节奏和湿 FX 是如此重要,今天的声音。15 施工工具包是包括 068 192 BPM 挤满打击乐和记录在最高质量的音效设计元素从 24 位 WAV 和切完全禁止行。

电影的打击乐 3 已被格式化-使用最广泛的一种格式 ︰ 苹果循环、 酸化 WAV 和雷克斯文件,使它可在几乎每一件在市场上使用的硬件和软件今天。另外此库来完全格式化为开播作为系列的一部分大鱼音频-3.0,这循环图书馆变成真正的可塑性和音乐的书写工具。


电影的打击乐 3 已被格式化在所有行业标准文件类型 ︰ 苹果循环、 酸化 WAV 和雷克斯。每一件常用的硬件和软件将与至少一个这些充分发达和可用的格式兼容。每个音频文件被熟练地切割和编辑完美循环和已被重新编码中最高的质量 24 比特率,以确保绝对高质量的结果。

如果你主要使用苹果的产品一定要利用额外的循环标记中 Garageband 和苹果逻辑,以及苹果公司的专有时间拉伸和音高弯曲算法的功能。如果你在市场上 Protools、 Cubase、 果味循环、 Live、 索尼酸或任何其他 DAW 里面工作,酸化的 WAV 文件是适合时间拉伸和音高弯曲能力。酸化的 WAV 文件也可以用作标准的 wav 文件中几乎任何音乐的工具,在今天的生产。

节拍制造商和艺术家爱采样与我们利用手写笔 RMX 和博士奥克托雷克斯球员首秀原因昂山中发现的所有强大的编程的雷克斯/RMX 格式的旋律切片工作。


15 工程成套

苹果循环 ︰

• 9.7 GB 总含量

• 875 苹果循环文件

酸化的 WAV:

• 9.85 GB 总含量

• 875 酸化的 WAV 文件


• 3.76 GB 总含量

• 1,187 雷克斯文件