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Soundiron - Voice of Gaia Francesca KONTAKT | 4.59 GB

Voice Of Gaia: Francesca Genco is an all-new exotic female solo mezzo-soprano library featuring the esteemed vocal talents of Francesca Lilac Genco. Her evocative and dynamic voice can been heard in countless TV, game and film soundtracks. She sings dramatic fusions of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Asian vocal styles, creating her own language.

This 6.7 GB library includes over 8300 samples, a complete chromatic articulation selection, powerful melodic phrases with tempo-synching and key select options. It's all built into a flexible, full-featured modern GUI interface. This 6.7 GB library includes over 8,300 samples, a complete selection of chromatic articulation types, powerful melodic elements with tempo-synching and key options, all built into a flexible, full-featured user interface.

We recorded Francesca in a dry studio environment, using high dynamic range, large-diaphragm Neumann microphones and silent Sound Devices preamps to get maximum detail, clarity, and quality. We started with chromatic true legato for Ah, Oo and Humming Mm vowel sounds. We then recorded classic sustains and staccatos (8x round-robin) for a variety of different vowels and dynamics, all playable over two octaves.

This Kontakt library features chromatic true legato for Ah & Oo vowels and Humming sounds. You also get additional vowels, with dramatic vibrato and alternate dynamics, plus an array of staccato syllables with 8x round-robin, spanning over two playable octaves. There is also a huge collection of live melodic phrases in 5 style categories: Bombastic, Melodic, Bright, Atonal/Discordant and Whispering. The phrases are intuitively organized by root tempo and key. However, tempo-syncing, time-stretching and pitch transposition controls give you complete freedom to customize. You can also shape, blend and sequence phrases, with our phrase-legato, step sequencer, speed-control and live waveform editing. We’ve also included our comprehensive FX Rack, with compression, delay, filter, EQ, amp/speaker simulation and convolution reverb, featuring dozens of rooms, cathedrals and otherworldly fx to open endless possibilities.

Two different large diaphragm microphone options: satin smooth omni or crystal clear cardiod, each with fully independent stereo panning, mixing and loading.

Ah, Oo, Mm (Soft Humming) natural true legato

Ah (piano), Ah (forte), Ee, Eh (piano), Eh (forte), Oh, Oo (piano), Oo (forte) Staccatos with 8 round-robin variations per note

Ah (piano), Ah (mezzo-forte), Ah (forte), Ee, Eh/Ay, Mm (soft humming), Oh, Oo (piano), Oo (mezzo-forte) standard Sustains with sim-legato, infinite loop and natural release modes

Auto-Pan ensemble simulator mode for Sustains and Staccatos.

Nearly 1800 melodic phrases in the keys of A# - G#, with pitch transposition, instant pattern sequencing, legato blending, tempo-synching/time-stretching, shaping and more.

Melodic phrases in a variety of different styles, including Bombastic, Melodic, Bright, Discordant/Atonal and Whispers

Easy to navigate melodic phrases, organized intuitively by style, native tempo and root key.

Fluid sequencer allows for per-step phrase start and end markers.

Bonus vocal Ambiences, Atmospheres and custom melodic pad instruments crafted directly from Francescas's voice.

Vocal performance breaths and effects

Swell control allows real-time dynamic performance shaping.

Full Multi-FX rack panel with Chorus, Compression, Distortion, Amp and Cab simulation, EQ, Delay and Reverb

Our Reverb rack unit includes 25 unique creative FX convolutions and 45 excellent live rooms, studios, chambers, cathedrals, halls and other real-world environments, with flexible tone, size and mix controls.

Fully automatable, with customizable key switch and GUI controls.

Convenient real-time visual wave-form display in every preset.

Product Specs

6.67 GB Installed

8327 Samples

39 Kontakt 5.1 .nki instrument presets

24 bit / 48kHz uncompressed PCM wav audio

Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization

Soundiron-弗兰西斯卡盖亚开播的声音 |4.59 GB

盖亚的声音 ︰ 金科 · 弗兰西斯卡是一个所有新异国女独唱女中音库特色的弗兰西斯卡丁香金科 · 尊敬的声乐人才。她令人回味和动态的声音能被听到在无数的电视,游戏和电影配乐。她唱得戏剧性融合的地中海、 中东和亚洲的声乐风格,创造自己的语言。

此 6.7 GB 库包含超过 8300 样品,完整的彩色清晰度选择、 强大旋律节奏同步和关键短语选择选项。它是内置的一个灵活、 功能齐全的现代 GUI 界面。此 6.7 GB 库包含超过 8,300 样品、 半音阶铰接一个完全的选择类型,强大旋律节奏同步和关键选项,全部建成一个灵活、 功能齐全的用户界面元素。

我们录得弗兰西斯卡干工作室的学习环境,使用高动态范围、 大型隔膜 Neumann麦克风和沉默的声音设备前置放大器获得最大详细、 清晰和质量。我们开始与色真正 legato 为 Ah,Oo 和哼唱毫米的元音。我们然后记录经典维系和断奏 (8 x-循环赛) 为各种不同的元音和动力学,在两个八度都可以玩。

此开播库功能色真正的连奏,Ah & Oo 元音和哼唱着声音。你也可以附加的元音,与戏剧性的颤音和备用动力,再加上数组的断奏音节以 8 x 循环赛,跨越两个播放八度。也是海量的生活旋律短语在 5 个风格类别 ︰ 夸夸而谈,旋律,明亮、 Atonal/Discordant,低语。由根节奏和关键直观地组织短语。然而,时间拉伸和音高移位控制节奏同步,给你完全自由地自定义。你也可以塑造、 混合和序列短语与短语 legato、 步音序器、 速度控制和实时波形编辑。我们也包括我们全面的 FX 机架、压缩、 延迟、 筛选器、 情商、 amp/扬声器模拟与卷积混响,设有数十个房间、 大教堂和超凡脱俗的 fx 打开无限的可能性。

两个不同的大型隔膜麦克风选项 ︰ 缎光滑全方位或水晶般清澈的 cardiod,每个都有完全独立的立体声平移、 混合和加载。

啊,Oo,毫米 (柔和的嗡嗡声) 自然真正的连奏

Ah (钢琴)、 Ah (复)、 Ee、 Eh (钢琴)、 Eh (复),哦,Oo (钢琴),Oo(复) 断奏与每注 8 轮循机制变化

Ah (钢琴)、 Ah (中等音量),Ah (复)、 Ee、 Eh/Ay,毫米 (柔和的嗡嗡声),哦,Oo (钢琴),Oo (中等音量) 标准材 sim legato,无限循环与自然释放模式


近 1800年旋律短语在音高移位,即时的 A #-G # 钥匙模式排序,legato 混合,节奏同步/时间拉伸、 成型和更多。

在各种不同的风格,包括夸大、 旋律、 光明、 Discordant/Atonal 和低语的旋律短语



直接从弗朗塞斯卡的声音制作的文书垫奖金声乐气息、 大气及自定义旋律。



满多 FX 机架板与合唱、 压缩、 失真、 Amp 和驾驶室模拟、 情商、 延迟和混响

我们混响机架单位包括 25 独特创意外汇卷积和 45 优秀居住房间、 工作室、 分庭、大教堂、 会堂和其他真实的环境中,用灵活的语气,大小和混合控件。

完全自动化,可自定义按键开关与 GUI 控件。



6.67 安装的 GB

8327 样品

39 开播 5.1.nki 工具预设

24 位/48 kHz 未压缩 PCM wav 音频

解锁的开播预设和 wav 样本,以允许用户自定义