12 Classes Project Files Included MP4
Title: Cloud Blender – BlenRig
BlenRig 5 is an Auto-Rigging and Skinning system for Blender. The project started back in 2007 and has had several public releases since then. One of the main objectives of BlenRig is to give the users the possibility to rig their own characters obtaining high quality results, no matter what level of expertise they may have.
With a predefined body deformation system and an advanced facial rig, BlenRig 5 is able to deliver production level characters.
Used in Feature films, Blender Open movies and short films, BlenRig 5 is finally open to the world!
12 类项目文件包括 MP4
标题 ︰ 云搅拌器 — — BlenRig
信息 ︰
BlenRig 5 是自动操纵和搅拌机剥系统。该项目早在 2007 年开始,已自那时以来的几个公共版本。BlenRig 的主要目标之一是使用户有可能操纵获得高质量的结果,无论什么级别的专门知识,他们可能有自己的文字。
与预定义的身体变形系统和先进的面部钻机,BlenRig 5 是能够提供生产一级字符。
使用故事片、 搅拌器打开电影和短片,BlenRig 5 是最后向世界开放的 !