Duration 1h 44m Project Files Included MP4
Title: Pluralsight – Onshape Essentials: Revolves, Sweeps, and Lofts
Knowing how to construct non-geometric, manufacturable shapes in CAD is essential since not all designs are rectangular boxes. This course, Onshape Essentials: Revolves, Sweeps, and Lofts, will teach you how to create shapes in Onshape that can’t be bound by four corners. The Revolve, Sweep, and Loft features are powerful tools used to construct these non-geometric shapes, and you’ll learn to use them here. Through this course you will also build a multi-part electrical controller that has complex wire routings and transitions. Finally, you will construct intricate features combining the skills learned in each module. In the end, your knowledge gained from this course will allow you to be a more accomplished and valued CAD designer. Required Software: Onshape.
持续时间 1 h 44 米项目文件包括的 MP4
标题 ︰ Pluralsight-Onshape 要点 ︰ 旋转,扫描,和顶楼
信息 ︰
了解如何构建非几何,制造形状在 CAD 中的很重要的因为并不是所有的设计都是矩形框。这门课程,Onshape 要点 ︰ 旋转,扫描和阁楼,将教你如何在不能绑定的四个角的 Onshape 中创建形状。旋转,扫描和阁楼的特点是功能强大的工具,用来构建这些非几何形状,和你将学会使用它们在这里。通过这门课程还将建立一个多部分的电气控制器,具有复合丝路由和转换。最后,您将构建的复杂特征结合在每个模块学到的技能。最后,你从本课程所获得的知识将允许你成为一个更有成就和有价值的CAD 设计师。所需软件 ︰ Onshape。