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Findasound Fayez Saidawi Oriental Strings KONTAKT | 1.56 GB

Fayez Saidawi Oriental Strings is a professional strings sections library for Native Instrument's Kontakt 5. 1.46 GB of compressed ncw kontakt format samples that are deeply sampled and looped with 8 articulations that fits the most common ways of playing middle eastern strings. An outstanding legato sounds with options to control speed, attack, expression and type of portamento playing.

Whether its normal, slow, or fast portamento; you can still control the speed of legato parts and adjust it to fit your needs. Sections recorded are: 2 C-basses, 3 Cellos, 4 Violas, and 8 Violins with the ability to enable/disable each section and control it's volume and stereo paning. Release samples of each articulation are provided with the ability to control their volume and/or time. Delay and 40 reverb simulation presets are available in the effects section of the instrument. Quarter tone scale option is provided as it is essential when it comes to Arabic or middle eastern strings sections.


- 24 bit / 48kHz compressed ncw kontakt format

- 8 Articulations: normal, slow, fast portamento, pizzicato , staccato, tremolo, trills half/whole note

- Section on/off option with the ability to control volume and pan of each

- Speed, attack, intensity, and expression control of whole legato part

- release samples trigger on/off option with controling its volume and time

- Legato on/off trigger option

- 3 octaves key range of each section

- Quarter tone scale with tune amount control +- 50 cents

- Delay and reverb room simulation effects with 40 reverb presets

- Fully automatable controllers

Findasound Fayez Saidawi 东方字符串开播 |1.56 GB

法耶兹 · Saidawi 东方字符串是本机仪器开播 5 专业字符串部分库。1.46 GB 的压缩网络中心战开播格式样本采样,深深地圈与 8 关节适合玩中东字符串的最常见的方式。优秀的 legato 声音选项来控制速度、 攻击、 表达和滑音演奏的形式。

无论其正常,快慢滑音;你仍然可以控制 legato 部分的速度和调整它以适合您的需求。记录的部分是 ︰ 2 C-低音、 3 大提琴、 4 中提琴和 8 小提琴与能力来启用/禁用每个部分和控制它的音量和立体声帕宁。发布样本的每个关节设有控制其体积和/或时间的能力。延迟和 40 混响仿真预设部分提供了影响的仪器。如有必要时,阿拉伯文或中东的字符串部分,将提供季度口气规模选项。

特点 ︰

-24 位/48 kHz 压缩网络中心战开播格式

-8 的表达 ︰ 正常人,慢,快滑音、 拨奏、 断奏、 震音、 颤音半/全请注意

-关闭的能力来控制音量,pan 的每个选项节

--速度、 攻击、 强度和表达式控制的整个 legato 的一部分


-关闭触发器选项 legato

-3 个八度音阶的每一节的键范围

-季音阶与调量控制 + 50 美分

-延迟和回响室模拟效果与 40 混响预设
