CAPSUN ProAudio - Trap Supreme WAV REX | 757 Mb
Trap Supreme is the legitimate sound of the Main Stage. Packed full of essential sounds and innovative samples to add to your production arsenal. Bass heavy, half speed beats and epic, anthemic melodics created by Italian producer and sound designer MrWood exclusively for CAPSUN ProAudio.
1.12GB of thumping royalty free sound content at 150BPM ready to drop straight into your DAW of choice. All the essentials for modern Trap production - Tearout Bass Growls, 808 Sub Bass, Lazer Synth Leads, Machine Gun Snares and Shotgun Brass Stabs. Inspirational Melodic Themes, Pumping Future Bass Pads, Chopped Vocals, Chants, FX and Risers. Totalling over 170 loops and over 160 One Shots!
Expect to also find 140 expertly programmed Drum & Percussion Loops and over 70 essential Drum One Shots, plus every drum loop as a Bonus Rex2 file. All drum loops are included as separate splits for maximum versatility, so you can build up an instant rhythm line or layer in complimentary percussion to your existing drums. Trap Supreme has been influenced by the sound of artists and producers such as Dillon Francis, Borgore, Snails, Jack U, Flosstradamus, Bro Safari, Baauer, Brillz, Major Lazer, Party Favor, Tisoki, Yellow Claw, Slander and many more. This collection is perfect for forward thinking Trap and Dubstep production and will provide inspiration for Future Bass, EDM, Rap, Grime and Drum & Bass.
24bit 44.1khz
140 Drum & Percussion WAV Loops
71 Drum & Percussion One Shots
160 Bonus Drum Rex2 Loops
5 Guitar WAV Loops
5 Guitar One Shots
41 Music WAV Loops
41 Music One Shots
30 Pads WAV Loops
28 Pads One Shots
14 Strings WAV Loops
14 Strings One Shots
12 Sub Bass WAV Loops
11 Sub Bass One Shots
29 Synth Bass WAV Loops
29 Synth Bass One Shots
29 Synth WAV Loops
20 Synth One Shots
11 Vocal WAV Loops
10 Vocal One Shots
10 Atmospheric WAV Loops
10 Risers WAV Loops
10 Riser One Shots
CAPSUN ProAudio-陷阱最高 WAV 雷克斯 |757 mb
陷阱最高是合法的主舞台。片中充满的基本声音和创新样品将添加到您的生产阿森纳。低音沉重,半速节拍以及史诗、 打动人心的 melodics 和创建的意大利制片人声音设计师 MrWood 专为 CAPSUN ProAudio。
1.12 GB 的重击版税免费的声音内容在 150BPM 准备直落入你昂山的选择。最基本的要领为现代陷阱生产-Tearout 低音咆哮、 808 分低音、 雷泽 Synth 带领、 机枪网罗和猎枪黄铜刺伤的。鼓舞人心的旋律主题,抽未来低音垫、 切碎的嗓音、 圣歌、 FX和造反者。总额超过 170 循环和超过 160 一枪 !
期望还找到 140 熟练编程鼓与打击乐循环和超过 70 基本鼓的一个镜头,再加上每个鼓循环作为奖金 Rex2 文件。所有循环鼓都被列为为最大的多功能性,单独分裂的所以你可以建立即时节奏线或免费打击乐层你现有的鼓。陷阱最高受到了艺术家和狄龙弗朗西斯、 Borgore、 蜗牛、 杰克 U、 Flosstradamus、 人权法 Safari、 Baauer、 Brillz、 专业激光、 党恩惠、 Tisoki、 黄爪、 诽谤和更多的生产者的声音。此集合是完美的超前思维陷阱和 Dubstep 的生产,并将提供未来低音、 电火花加工、 说唱、污垢和鼓和低音的灵感。
详细信息 ︰
24 位 44.1 k h z
1.12 GB
140 鼓与打击乐 WAV 循环
71 鼓与打击乐一炮
160 奖金 Rex2 循环鼓
5 吉他 WAV 循环
5 吉他一枪
41 音乐 WAV 循环
41 音乐一枪
30 垫 WAV 循环
28 垫一个镜头
14 字符串 WAV 循环
14 字符串一个镜头
12 子低音 WAV 循环
11 分低音一枪
29 synth 低音 WAV 循环
29 synth 低音一枪
29 synth WAV 循环
20 synth 一投
11 声乐 WAV 循环
10 声乐一炮
10 大气 WAV 循环
10 立管 WAV 循环
10 冒口一枪