CG数据库 >> 音效下载Wilkinson Audios Naked Drums MULTIFORMAT

音效下载Wilkinson Audios Naked Drums MULTIFORMAT的图片1


02 JUNE 2016 | MULTIFORMAT | 2.7 GB

Wilkinson Audio have announced that their Naked Drums, a high quality Kontakt library. If you are an owner of Native Instruments Kontakt full version, and you want to add in your arsenal a high quality sampled drum kit (which by the way is a mixture of Yamaha, Ayotte and Pearl shells, plus Sabian and some Zildjian cymbals), then this is highly recommended. Listen the demo below, the drums and the arrangement sound realistic and convincing, but of course the final result is also depending on the skills you have in programming drums.

Drum Set Virtual Instrument

Requires Kontakt 4 (fully updated)/5

Unprocessed high quality drum samples

Each microphone individually routable to DAW track


Yamaha Recording Custom – Cherry

Remo Heads

22″ Kick Drum

10″, 12″, 13″, 14″, 16″ Toms

Ayotte 14″ x 5″ silver sparkle snare

Pearl 13″ x 6.5″ Joey Jordison Signature Snare


Mixture of Sabian HH/AA/AAX and some Zildjian A Series

2 Splashes

2 Crashes (bow and bell)

2 Chinas

Ride (bow and bell)



Vintage Neve 1073

Vintage Neve 1081

BAE 1073

API 512


Apogee Symphony IO

Apogee Rosetta 800


Naked Drums works with Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5. You can either load up a quick stereo .nki’s to get ideas out quickly or load the fully routed .nki’s and route each mic to a different track in your DAW. We will be providing you with routing templates for multiple DAW’s. So far we have included Reaper and Pro Tools. Naked Drums requires two instances of Kontakt. One .nki for the Shells and another for the Cymbals as there is a limit to the number of instruments you can load into Kontakt.


2016 年 6 月 2 日 |繁多 |2.7 GB

威尔金森音频已经宣布,他们赤裸的鼓,高品质开播图书馆。如果您是所有者本机文书开播的完整版本,并且您想要在你的武器库中添加一种高品质采样鼓套件 (即顺便雅马哈、 阿略特和珍珠的贝壳,加上洒遍和一些 Zildjian 钹的混合物),然后这强烈建议。听下面的演示、 鼓和安排听现实和令人信服,但当然最终的结果也根据技能你有编程鼓中。


要求 (完全更新) 开播 4 / 5



贝壳 ︰

雅马哈记录自定义 — — 樱桃



10 ″ 12 ″,兽兽,14 ″,16″ 汤姆斯

阿略特 14 ″ x 5″ 银色闪光的圈套

珍珠兽兽 x 6.5″ 乔伊幼年签名网罗

钹 ︰

洒遍 HH/AA/音色和一些 Zildjian A Series 的混合物

2 飞溅

2 崩溃 (弓和贝尔)

2 中国

骑 (弓和贝尔)


前置放大器 ︰

老式 Neve 1073

老式 Neve 1081

BAE 1073

API 512

转换器 ︰

远地点交响乐 IO

远地点 Rosetta 800

使用方法 ︰

裸体鼓作品开播 4 与开播 5。你可以要么负载了快速立体.nki 的迅速走出困境的想法或加载完全路由的.nki 并路由到不同的轨道,在你昂山的每个麦克风。我们将会为您提供路由模板多昂山。到目前为止我们已收割者和临工具。裸体鼓需要开播的两个实例。一个.nki 壳,另一个用于钹一样有是你可以加载到开播的仪器的数量限制。