CG数据库 >> 音效下载5Pin Media – Histibe Mutated Techno MULTiFORMAT

音效下载5Pin Media – Histibe Mutated Techno MULTiFORMAT的图片1

ANTASTiC 01 June 2016 | 1 GB

Histibe and 5Pin Media team up once again to bring you a deadly cocktail of dark basement sounds primed to fuel subterranean dancefloors. The recipe goes like this, 3 parts Techno, 1 part Deep, 1 part Industrial, 1 part Broken Beat and 1 part Contemporary Electronica - shaken not stirred.

Histibe blends his sounds to perfection creating the perfect Techno Mutation that will inspire producers to explore new forms of raw stripped back dance music. Forward thinking producers with an ear for artists such as Ben Klock, Stephan Bodzin, Blawan, Burial, Slam and Daniel Avery would do well to add these sounds to their sonic collection.

Pouring in at 1.35Gb with no fewer than 319 loops at 126bpm available in ACID WAV and Apple formats accompanied by 215 REX2 loops, 188 One-shots, 196 Multi-samples, 15 Instrument Sample Patches, 44 Synth and 42 Bass MIDI files and 1 Live9 Project. The Live9 Project includes 15 Sampler based Instrument Racks complete with macro controls. All music loops, music one-shots and midi files include musical key info for quick and easy tuning.

Launch the demo and download the free taster loops for a test drive of what lies inside.

Give your productions the edge by exploring the flexibility of MIDI combined with exceptional sounds.

24Bit Quality

1.35 GbContains:LOOPS:

160 Drum Loops

40 Bass Loops

40 Synth Loops

40 Texture Loops

20 Vox Loops

19 FX Loops

215 Rex2 Loops (159 Drum, 31 Bass and 25 Synth)ONE-SHOTS:

80 Drum & Percussion Hits

30 Synth

30 Bass

28 FX


196 Multi-Samples

7 Bass Multi-Sample Patches

8 Music Multi-Sample Patches

(NNXT, Kontakt 3, Halion, EXS24 and SFZ Sample formats)MIDI:

44 Synth

42 BassLIVE 9:

1 Live9 Project

2 Live Sets

7 Bass Instruments (with Macros)

8 Music Instruments (with Macros)

ANTASTiC 2016 年 6 月 1 日 |1 GB

Histibe 和 5 芯媒体联手再次给你带来致命鸡尾酒的黑暗的地下室里声音引到燃料地下俗套。食谱就像这个,3 部分技术,1 部分深、 1 部分工业、 1 部分破碎打和 1 部分当代电子乐-动摇不搅拌。

Histibe 共混物他听来完善创建将激励生产者要探索新形式的原始完美技术突变回剥去跳舞的音乐。超前思维生产者本重印,Stephan Bodzin,Blawan,埋葬的艺术家的耳朵,满贯和丹尼尔 · 艾弗里会做很好,将这些声音添加到其声波的集合。

浇在 1.35 Gb 的可用酸 WAV 和苹果的格式,伴随着 215 REX2 126bpm 不得少于 319 环圈,188 的一个镜头,196 多样品,15 文书样本补丁、 44 Synth 和 42 低音 MIDI 文件 1 Live9 项目。Live9 项目包括 15 采样器,根据的仪器机架完成与宏观调控。所有音乐循环、 音乐一个镜头和 midi 文件包括音乐关键信息的快速和容易调整。


给你的作品所探索的 MIDI 结合特殊声音灵活性的优势。

24 位质量

1.35 GbContains:LOOPS:

循环 160 鼓

40 低音循环

40 synth 循环

40 纹理循环

20 Vox 循环

19 FX 循环

215 Rex2 循环 (159 鼓、 31 低音和 25 Synth) 一个镜头 ︰

80 鼓与打击乐命中

30 synth

30 低音

28 FX

20 VoxMULTI 样品与修补程序 ︰

196 多样品

7 低音多样本补丁

8 音乐多样本修补程序

(NNXT、 Halion、 EXS24、 开播 3 SFZ 样本格式)MIDI:

44 synth

42 9 BassLIVE:

1 Live9 项目

2 活套

7 低音乐器 (带有宏)

8 音乐乐器 (带有宏)