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CineSamples CineStrings CORE v1.2 KONTAKT | 45 Gb

The CineStrings CORE Library is CineSamplеs’ orchestral string sample library for Kontakt. Recorded at the world famous SONY Pictures Scoring Stage in Los Angeles, and mixed by veteran legend Dennis Sands (Spiderman, Argo, Avengers, Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, and 250+ more). The CineStrings CORE Library covers the essentials of the orchestral string section, and functions as a foundation in any scoring pallette.

CineStrings is revolutionary in its power and simplicity for recreating the sound of the orchestral string section. The library was designed by composers, for composers, with direct feedback from the film music community during its development. The result is a string library that is easy to use, composer-friendly, with unparalleled recording quality. CineStrings library does not require you to purchase any additional sample playback software, and is licensed to work with the Native Instrument’s free Kontakt Player. All you need is a sequencer like Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer, LIVE, Protools, Cakewalk, or even Apple GarageBand and you’ll be up and running. You can also use CineStrings with your favorite notation software such as Sibelius or Finale.

CineStrings CORE offers many amazing features that distinguishes it from other libraries. Our newest feature is the “Hairpin Creator”. This amazing setting allows for you to automatically get very natural “swells” without having to program a series of controller changes. Based on time or synced to your DAW, the strings can crescendo and decrescendo as you play, including linking a non-vib to espressivo state – this allows for amazing and expressive playing without having to touch any other controller!

What's new in CineStrings v1.2?

CineStrings CORE 1.2 now includes the addition of several new 'Ensemble' patches adapted from our sketching tool CineSymphony LITE. These Ensemble patches encompass most of the primary short and sustain articulations of each instrument, the ranges of which can be adjusted on the SETTINGS tab of the user interface.

Beneath the EQ area in the SETTINGS tab, you can find the “Advanced Controls” which is a unique setting we created specifically for these ensemble patches. The four knobs control the range of the different instruments within one section. The advanced controls are set to the instruments’ strongest pitch range by default but can be changed to any value so long it is within the range of the instrument. Again, the user can also assign MIDI CCs to these knobs.

CineSamples CineStrings 核心 v1.2 开播 |45 Gb

CineStrings 核心库是 CineSamplеs 的管弦乐字符串示例库为开播。记录在世界著名索尼图片评分阶段在洛杉矶,和混合由资深的传奇人物丹尼斯金沙 (250 + 更多、 Argo、 复仇者,回到未来,阿甘正传,肖申克的救赎 》,美国丽人,蜘蛛侠 》)。CineStrings 核心库作为一个基金会在任何得分的调色板包括管弦乐的字符串部分与功能的基本要素。

CineStrings 是在它的强大威力和简洁性用于重新创建的管弦乐字符串部分声音是革命性的。图书馆是由作曲家,为作曲家,直接从电影音乐社区在其开发过程中的反馈设计的。其结果是一个字符串库,是易于使用、 作曲家友好、 与无与伦比的录制质量。CineStrings 库不需要购买任何附加的示例播放软件,并获准使用本机工具免费开播播放器。所有你需要的是像逻辑、 Cubase、 数字执行者、 活、 Protools、 费力气的事或甚至苹果 GarageBand 音序器,你会启动并运行。您还可以使用 CineStrings 与您最喜爱的符号软件如西贝柳斯或结局。

CineStrings 核心提供了许多惊人的特点在于它从其他库。我们最新的功能是"发夹创造者"。这惊人的设置允许您自动获取很自然的"膨胀",而不用编写一系列控制器变化。基于时间或同步到你的昂山,字符串可以渐强和你玩,包括链接到 espressivo状态的非 vib — — 这允许为惊人的需通过插管才能和富有表现力的演奏而无需触摸任何其他控制器 !

新的 CineStrings v1.2 是什么?

CineStrings 核心 1.2 现在包括另外的几个新的合奏补丁改编自 CineSymphony 建兴我们草绘工具。这些合奏修补程序包括大多数主要短和维持关节的每一份,其中范围可以调整用户界面的设置选项卡。

下面的情商区域设置选项卡中,您可以找到"高级控件"这是我们专门为这些合奏修补程序创建独特设置。四个旋钮控制的范围内一段不同的仪器。高级的控件默认设置为仪器的最大螺距范围,但可以更改为任何值这么长时间它是在仪器的范围内。再次,用户还可以将 MIDI CCs 分配给这些旋钮。