RPM HAULNET 2.2.3305 | 260.6 mb
The update latest release of HAULNET from RungePincockMinarco (RPM), delivers engineers an intelligent tool that can help to dramatically reduce one of the largest costs facing mining operations today, haulage.
Previously, one of the biggest hurdles for engineers to deliver real cost savings, has been the effort required to create accurate and usable haulage models. The lack of a dedicated software application for haulage has necessitated that a high level of manual intervention has been required to create fully connected networks. This has in turn meant that real in depth analysis of haulage cost could never be completed. HAULNET was developed, not only to create this connected network, but also to perform the underlying analysis. In this latest release, RPM has made the haulage network creation process even easier.
Previously, users would input their haulage network, created in an array of applications, into HAULNET for analysis. To make it easier for engineers to start using HAULNET to deliver cost savings to their operations, RPM has added key functionality to enable users to create their haulage network on the fly.
The new user interface enables users to quickly and easily build haul networks from scratch. It is as simple as using the mouse to point and click out the haulage routes across the mine site. Intuitively, the application snaps the route to the underlying surface and extends it to join existing roadways, nodes and points of interest. It also interprets and rationalises the haulage network. It can autocorrect creation mistakes and smooth out routes, removing unnecessary detail that isn’t required to perform an accurate analysis.
About Runge Pincock Minarco
Runge Pincock Minarco is the world’s largest publicly listed independent group of mining technical experts, with history stretching back to 1968. We have local expertise in all mining regions and are experienced across all commodities and mining methods. Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange on 27 May 2008 (ASX: RUL), RungePincockMinarco is a global leader in the provisionof advisory consulting, technology and professional development solutions to the mining industry. We have global expertise achieved through our work in over 118 countries and our approach to the business of mining is strongly grounded in economic principles. We operate offices in 18 locations across 12 countries on five continents.
Version: 2.2.3305
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even
Size: 260.6 mb