TEAM DYNAMiCS | 05.13.06 | 1.29 GB
Classical male and female human voice choirs with performance articulations and individual syllables for the ultimate in expression and tonal variation. From ohs, ahs, uhs to syllables like Po, Do, Re, Mi, Si, glissandos and other performance variations, these choirs cover a wide range of colors and are the ideal companion to the Miroslav orchestra. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis.
This library contains:
- Multisamples for Combinator
- Multisamples for NN-XT
- 305 sounds
- 2.14 GB
团队动态 |05.13.06 |1.29 GB
古典的男性和女性的人声合唱团与性能关节和个别音节为终极的表达和色调的变化。从职业健康与安全,ahs、 uhs 到音节,如宝、 做、 Re、 Mi、 寺、 glissandos和其他的性能变化,这些合唱团涵盖广泛的颜色和米罗斯拉夫 · 乐团到理想的伴侣。包括额外的奖金交响纹理和强大的互动乐团 combis。
此库包含 ︰
-为组合子的 multisamples
-为 NN XT multisamples
-305 声音
-2.14 GB