Title: vrayc4d – HQ Details for VrayforC4D Vol 1-2-4
HQ Details vol.1 for VRAYforC4D
Realistic, fully detailed and textured 50 models of alcohol bottles (beer, champagne, cognac, vodka, whisky, wine) in C4D format with real world scale dimensions, ready to rendering with VRAYforC4D. Additional comes 7 glasses with liquids in it for each alcohol type.
The high resolution textures in png format with alpha mask and resolution up to 2300 pixels. The accurate details of the model work perfectly for extreme close-ups
Realistic, fully detailed and textured 50 models of alcohol bottles (beer, champagne, cognac, vodka, whisky, wine) in C4D format with real world scale dimensions, ready to rendering with VRAYforC4D. Additional comes 7 glasses with liquids in it for each alcohol type.
The high resolution textures in png format with alpha mask and resolution up to 2300 pixels. The accurate details of the model work perfectly for extreme close-ups.
HQ Details vol.2 for VRAYforC4D
Realistic, fully detailed and textured 25 models of perfume in Cinema4D 11+ format ready to rendering with VRAYforC4D, with real world scale dimensions.
The accurate details of the model work perfectly for extreme close-ups.
Realistic, fully detailed and textured 25 models of perfume in Cinema4D 11+ format ready to rendering with VRAYforC4D, with real world scale dimensions.
The accurate details of the model work perfectly for extreme close-ups.
HQ Details vol.4 for Cinema4D
HQ Details vol 4 is a large collection of beautiful and high-quality 3d models of Blankets & Pillows. It contains over 110 realistic 3d models for Cinema4D, fully mapped, high-detailed geometry, no displacement.
All models have materials, textures and ready for rendering in Cinema 4D Advanced Render, VRAYforC4D, Maxwell Render.
We recommend to use 64-bit version of Windows, MacOS and Cinema 4D to improve speed, stability and overall performance of your system.
HQ Details vol 4 is a large collection of beautiful and high-quality 3d models of Blankets & Pillows. It contains over 110 realistic 3d models for Cinema4D, fully mapped, high-detailed geometry, no displacement.
All models have materials, textures and ready for rendering in Cinema 4D Advanced Render, VRAYforC4D, Maxwell Render.
We recommend to use 64-bit version of Windows, MacOS and Cinema 4D to improve speed, stability and overall performance of your system.All models have materials, textures and ready for rendering in Cinema 4D Advanced Render, VRAYforC4D, Maxwell Render.
We recommend to use 64-bit version of Windows, MacOS and Cinema 4D to improve speed, stability and overall performance of your system.
标题 ︰ vrayc4d — — 总部细节为 VrayforC4D 卷 1-2-4
信息 ︰
VRAYforC4D 的总部细节 vol.1
现实、 充分详细和纹理 50 型号 C4D 格式与现实世界规模尺寸,准备到渲染与 VRAYforC4D 的酒精瓶 (啤酒、 香槟、 干邑、 伏特加、 威士忌、 红酒)。附加来自 7眼镜与液体在它为每个酒精类型。
高分辨率纹理在 png 格式与 alpha 蒙版和达 2300年像素分辨率。该模型准确的细节工作完美的大特写镜头
现实、 充分详细和纹理 50 型号 C4D 格式与现实世界规模尺寸,准备到渲染与 VRAYforC4D 的酒精瓶 (啤酒、 香槟、 干邑、 伏特加、 威士忌、 红酒)。附加来自 7眼镜与液体在它为每个酒精类型。
高分辨率纹理在 png 格式与 alpha 蒙版和达 2300年像素分辨率。模型的准确的细节很好地工作的大特写镜头。
VRAYforC4D 的总部细节 vol.2
香水在 VRAYforC4D,与真实世界渲染 Cinema4D 11 + 格式准备充分详细的、 质感的现实 25 模型缩放尺寸。
香水在 VRAYforC4D,与真实世界渲染 Cinema4D 11 + 格式准备充分详细的、 质感的现实 25 模型缩放尺寸。
Cinema4D 的总部细节第 4 卷
总部细节 vol 4 是美丽和高品质的 3d 模型的毛毯和枕头大集合。它包含超过 110 逼真的三维模型 Cinema4D,完全映射、 高详细几何、 没有位移。
所有机型都有材料,纹理和渲染在电影院 4 D 先进的呈现,VRAYforC4D,麦克斯韦渲染的准备。
我们推荐使用 64 位版本的 Windows,MacOS 和四维影院来提高速度、 稳定性和您的系统的整体性能。
总部细节 vol 4 是美丽和高品质的 3d 模型的毛毯和枕头大集合。它包含超过 110 逼真的三维模型 Cinema4D,完全映射、 高详细几何、 没有位移。
所有机型都有材料,纹理和渲染在电影院 4 D 先进的呈现,VRAYforC4D,麦克斯韦渲染的准备。
我们推荐使用 64 位版本的 Windows,MacOS 和四维影院来提高速度、 稳定性和您的系统的整体性能。所有机型都有材料,纹理和渲染在电影院 4 D 先进的呈现,VRAYforC4D,麦克斯韦渲染的准备。
我们推荐使用 64 位版本的 Windows,MacOS 和四维影院来提高速度、 稳定性和您的系统的整体性能。