Bang Bang Productions - The North Vol 3 WAV MiDi | 842 Mb
The North Vol 3' from Bang Bang Productions brings you nine Construction Kits filled that sought after sound from Toronto. This is definitely one unique MIDI & loop kit. Influences for this product include Drake & The Weeknd, P Reign, Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne, and many more.
These nine Construction Kits will give you more than enough unique sounds to edit, slice and chop to create your next banger. All sounds and samples are licensed as Royalty-Free for you to use in your commercial productions or even for DJ/remix purposes.
This pack not only comes with high quality WAV loops but also MIDI files. That means you have no restrictions, and full control to add, change, take out and replace the sounds. The producer isn't making the beat for you, they are just providing you with the foundation. Their goal is to help bring out the best in you.
Product Details:
• 9 Construction Kits
• 24-Bit WAV with MIDI
• 128 Individual Loops
• Tempos Available
• 100% Royalty-Free
• 1.41 GB of Content
砰砰制作-北 Vol 3 WAV MiDi |842 mb
北 Vol 3' 砰砰的作品带给你九工程成套填了追捧的声音从多伦多。这绝对是一个独特的 MIDI & 循环工具包。此产品的影响包括德雷克 & 单元、 P 统治,尼基 • 米纳什、 李尔 · 韦恩和更多。
这些九建设工具包会给你足够多独特的声音来编辑切片和砍来创建您的下一个香肠。所有的声音和样品许可为免版税为您在您的商业生产中使用或甚至只是为了做 DJ/混音。
此包不只配备高品质 WAV 循环但也 MIDI 文件。这意味着你有没有限制和完全的控制,可以添加、 更改、 取出和替换的声音。生产者不为你做的节拍,他们只为您提供了基础。他们的目标是帮助带出你最好的。
产品详细信息 ︰
• 9 工程成套
• 24 位 WAV 与 MIDI
• 128 个人循环
• 节奏可用
• 100%免版税
• 1.41 GB 的内容