CG数据库 >> 音效下载SoundMorph – Lost Transmissions WAV KONTAKT

音效下载SoundMorph – Lost Transmissions WAV KONTAKT的图片1

SoundMorph - Lost Transmissions WAV KONTAKT | 3.31 GB

Recorded and designed by Jason Cushing (co-founder of SoundMorph), Lost Transmissions is a collection of electromagnetic and radio recordings with an emphasis on communications gone wrong. Malfunctioning static, radio recordings, analog hums, designed passbys, & tonal/fluctuating noise.

Lost Transmissions is another essential set of utilitarian libraries to add to your tool box.

Not only that, as a bonus we've also teamed up with and included Echo Collective's kontakt radio instrument ''Squelch'' and accompanying sample library, giving you an additional 100+ real radio samples to work with and playable radio instrument.


Lost Transmissions features 375+ sounds and 4.3GB of 24bit/96khz sfx files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer & Basehead metadata, including:

- Malfunctions

- Static Passbys

- Tonal Passbys

- Tonal Noise

- Designed Noise

- Radio Noise

- Noise Loops

- Squelch Kontakt Radio Instrument

SoundMorph-失去了传输 WAV 开播 |3.31 GB

失去了传输记录和由杰森 · 库欣 (SoundMorph 创始人) 设计,是一家集的电磁和无线电录音与重点通信差错。电台录音,模拟故障静态,哼,设计较好与色调/波动的噪声。


不仅如此,作为奖励我们已经也联手和包括回声集体开播无线电仪器 '压制' 和伴随样本库,给你额外 100 + 真正的收音机样品处理和播放无线电仪器。


失去了传输功能 375 + 声音和 4.3 GB 的 24 位/96 khz sfx 文件,所有精心嵌入 Soundminer & Basehead 元数据,包括 ︰







