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Cinesamples Rio Grooves! KONTAKT | 1.09 Gb

Rio Grooves! is Cinesamplesʼ original Brazilian percussion library for Kontakt, produced by multi-platinum producer and composer Victor Pozas and Grammy awarded producer and composer Roberto Schilling. Recorded in Rio de Janeiro with Brazil's best musicians, Rio Grooves covers the essentials of authentic Brazilian percussion rhythms.

We are excited to introduce what we believe to be the most essential collection of Brazilian rhythms ever made, played by the finest musicians, and captured by state of the art recording and mixing. It features an unparalleled level of flexibility offered by multi-microphone perspective balancing, seamless synchronization with your music, and preset MIDI files, all presented in a straightforward interface. For the first time, producers, composers and musicians around the world can access the most versatile take on Brazilian rhythms.

Rio Grooves! offers a convenient sync-to DAW functionality that conforms the rhythms to the downbeat in your DAW regardless when you begin playing within the bar. The Offset knob allows the user to change the feel by offsetting the start point in either direction. Each instrument includes three different micrphone positions (Close, Overhead, and Room) that you can dial in and out to fit any mix. Each patch has preset MIDI patterns assigned to keys C0 thru G0. These preset patterns serve as examples of the patch's rhythm, as well as providing an intuitive, ready to use version of the rhythm as an accompaniment or a starting point on which to build. The text window displays the name of the selected preset pattern and gives the user a MIDI file, which can be "draged and dropped" from the text window into the DAW's session.

Patch list:

01 Escola de Samba 1 - Song Form

02 Escola de Samba 2 - Song Form

03 Escola de Samba Extras

04 Escola Maculelê - Song Form

05 Baião - Instrument Groove

06 Capoeira - Instrument Groove

07 Galope - Instrument Groove

08 Maculelê - Instrument Groove

09 Maracatu - Instrument Groove

10 Roda de Samba - Instrument Groove

11 Samba Funk - Instrument Groove

12 Samba Reggae - Instrument Groove

13 Telecoteco - Instrument Groove

14 Velha Guarda - Instrument Groove

15 Xote - Instrument Groove

16 Funk de Bloco 1 - Simple to Complex

17 Funk de Bloco 2 - Simple to Complex

18 Ijexá - Simple to Complex

19 Jongo - Simple to Complex

20 Macumba - Simple to Complex

Cinesamples 里约的凹槽 !开播 |1.09 Gb

力拓槽 !Cinesamplesʼ 原巴西打击乐图书馆为开播,由多白金生产商和作曲家 Victor Pozas 和格莱美奖授予生产者和作曲家罗伯特 · 席林。力拓槽记录在里约热内卢与巴西最好的音乐家,包括正宗巴西打击乐节奏的要点。

我们很高兴介绍我们所认为的巴西节奏过了、 发挥的最超卓的音乐家,和捕获的最先进的录制和混音,最基本的集合。它具有无与伦比的灵活性提供的多麦克风角度平衡,无缝同步你的音乐,与预设的 MIDI 文件,都呈现在一个简单的接口。第一次,生产者、 作曲家和世界各地的音乐家可以访问巴西节奏最多才多艺承担。

力拓槽 !提供方便同步到昂山功能无论符合到在你 DAW 悲观的节奏,当你开始播放在栏内。偏移量旋钮允许用户更改的感觉通过偏移中任一方向的起始点。每台仪器包括您可以拨打进进出出,以适应任何组合的三个不同 micrphone 职位 (关闭,开销和房间)。每个修补程序已预设 MIDI 模式分配给键 C0 G0 通过。这些预设的图案作为例子,该修补程序的节奏,以及提供一个直观的准备使用版本的节奏作为伴奏或在其上构建的起始点。文本窗口显示所选的预设图案的名称并向用户提供一个 MIDI文件,可以是"拖拽并将其丢弃"从文本到昂山的会话窗口。

修补程序列表 ︰

01 埃斯科拉德桑巴 1-歌曲形式

02 埃斯科拉德桑巴 2-歌曲形式

03 埃斯科拉德桑巴舞演员

04 埃斯科拉 Maculelê-歌曲形式

05 Baião-仪器槽

06 卡波耶拉-仪器槽

07 Galope-仪器槽

08 Maculelê-仪器槽

09 Maracatu-仪器槽

10 罗达德桑巴-仪器槽

11 桑巴 Funk-仪器槽

12 桑巴舞雷鬼摇摆乐-仪器槽

13 Telecoteco-仪器槽

14 哈达瓜尔达-仪器槽

15 Xote-仪器槽

16 放克德 Bloco 1-简单到复杂

17 放克 de Bloco 2-简单到复杂

18 Ijexá-从简单到复杂

19 Jongo-从简单到复杂

20 坶-从简单到复杂