CG数据库 >> 音效下载In Session Audio – Fluid Harmonics KONTAKT

音效下载In Session Audio – Fluid Harmonics KONTAKT的图片1

In Session Audio - Fluid Harmonics KONTAKT | 1.84 Gb

Fluid Harmonics is an instrument designed to create richly layered melodic patterns with ease. Why guitar harmonics? They have a familiar yet mystical sound to them. A purity and clarity. You can tell it’s guitar – but there’s something a bit different – something special. More sparkle. More chime. With a slew of effects, sound shaping tools and autoplay rhythmic and melodic features at your fingertips, Fluid Harmonics can go from from organic to hybrid to electronic with ease.

The idea had been rattling in our heads for a while. Years actually. What if we could create an instrument that allowed the user to:

Select three sound sources to layer together

Arpeggiate the three sound sources with independent patterns, rates and playback modes

Shape and effect the three sound sources independent of one another

Select any effect directly from the interface (and swap their positions on the fly)

Humanize the three sound sources independent of one another


18 electric guitars

12 acoustic guitars

100 custom made synth sets

All acoustic guitar and bass guitar sample sets are presented in versions played with fingers AND with a pick, bringing the guitar sample set count to 44. All guitars feature triple round robin cycling for natural variation. To improve playability all guitars were tuned to allow samples to be recorded below and above the standard range of the instruments.

152 patches split into four categories:

– Triple Play Electric (40)

– Triple Play Acoustic (40)

– Rhythmic Pulses w Mod Wheel (24)

– Solo (48)

64 custom reverb impulse responses

12 custom amp cabinet impulse responses

64 custom fx unit presets

在会议音频-流体谐波开播 |1.84 Gb

流体的谐波是设计来轻松地创建丰富分层旋律模式的工具。为什么吉他谐音吗?他们有他们熟悉又神秘的声音。一种纯度和清晰度。你可以告诉它的吉他 — — 但是还有一些有点不同 — — 一些特别的东西。更多的火花。更多的编钟。与一系列的影响,声音塑造工具和自动播放节奏和旋律功能在您的指尖,流体谐波可以去从有机混合到电子与易用性。

这个想法了已剑拔弩张在我们的头一段时间。年实际。如果我们可以创建一个工具,允许用户 ︰


Arpeggiate 三个声源与独立模式、 费率和播放模式


直接从界面中选择任何影响 (和交换它们的位置上飞)


特点 ︰

18 电吉他

12 声学吉他

100 自定义制作的 synth 集

介绍了所有的原声吉他和低音吉他样本集版本演奏的手指与一挑,吉他样本集的数增至 44。所有吉他都功能三重循环循环的自然变异。要提高可玩性所有吉他被都调谐允许样品记录以下和以上各项文书的标准范围。

152 修补程序分为四类 ︰

— — 三重播放电 (40)

— — 三重播放声 (40)

— — 有节奏的脉冲 w Mod 轮 (24)

— — 独奏 (48)

64 自定义混响脉冲响应

12 自定义 amp 内阁的冲激响应

64 的自定义外汇单位预设