CG数据库 >> 琳达-奥林巴斯OMD相机提示和技巧


Lynda - Olympus OM-D Cameras: Tips and Techniques

Size: 1.57 GB | Duration: 3h 38m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch

Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English

Whether you've been using your Olympus EM Series camera for a while or you just got the hang of it, there are a lot of options you can tweak. These cameras are packed with customization features that allow you to fine-tune the way they handle everything, from focusing to locking exposure. Plus, you can expand the uses for your camera by building lens kits and selecting essential accessories. In this course Richard Harrington and Rhed Pixel demonstrate a set of customization strategies aimed at making your EM series camera far more responsive. They show you how to master the exposure by modifying ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and exposure compensation. They take you through several specialty shooting modes including Bulb, Art Filter, panoramic, and 3d mode. In addition to showing you how to get the most out of the in-camera settings, they show you how to control the camera remotely, connect the camera to Wi-Fi, record video, and more. Get ready to go beyond the factory settings and make shooting with your Olympus EM-D series camera faster and more responsive with this collection of settings and customizing tips.

Topics include:

* Modifying focus points

* Setting a custom white balance

* Building lens kits

* Adding flashes, grips, and remote cable releases

* Adjusting exposure settings and locking exposure

* Shooting with specialty shooting modes

* Connecting your camera to Wi-Fi

* Recording video and attaching an external microphone

琳达-奥林巴斯 OM D 相机 ︰ 提示和技巧

大小 ︰ 1.57 GB |持续时间 ︰ 3 h 38 m |视频 ︰ AVC (.mp4) 1280 × 720 30fps |音频︰ AAC 48 KHz 2 通道

类型 ︰ 电子学习 |级别 ︰ 中级 |语言 ︰ 英语

是否你一直在使用奥林巴斯 EM 系列相机的一段时间或你只是得到它的窍门,有很多可以调整的选项。这些相机都挤满了自定义功能使您可以微调他们处理一切,从聚焦到锁定曝光的方式。另外,可以通过建立镜头套件,为您的相机扩大利用和选择必不可少的配件。在这个课程理查德 · 哈林顿和 Rhed 像素展示一套定制策略旨在使你 EM 系列摄像机更为敏感。他们告诉你如何掌握曝光通过修改 ISO、 光圈、 快门速度和曝光补偿。他们带你通过拍摄模式包括灯泡、 全景、 艺术筛选和 3d 模式下的几个专业。除了向您展示如何获得最大的相机设置,他们告诉你如何远程控制相机,将相机连接到 Wi-Fi、 录制的视频,和更多。准备好去超越出厂设置,使您更快、 更符合此设置集合的奥林巴斯 EM D 系列相机拍摄和自定义提示。

主题包括 ︰

* 修改重点

* 设置自定义白平衡

* 建筑材料镜头包

* 添加闪烁、 握把和远程电缆释放

* 调整曝光度设置和锁定曝光

* 拍摄专业拍摄模式

* 将照相机连接到 Wi-Fi

* 录制视频和附加外置麦克风