CG数据库 >> 音效下载SoundMorph Matter Mayhem WAV

音效下载SoundMorph Matter Mayhem WAV的图片1

SoundMorph Matter Mayhem WAV | 3.31 Gb

Matter Mayhem. 1,500 files / 5.75Gb! Near, Mid, and Distant Perspectives. Designed and Raw recordings! Need debris, destruction, bomb blasts, and chaos recorded in high definition sound with multiple perspectives and tons of different materials?

Of course you do! As sound designers, we always need these types of highly useable sounds, and with the creation of Matter Mayhem, we've gone above and beyond. Spanning 5 months of recording out in the field and designing in the studio, SoundMorph is very proud to bring you one of our largest produced libraries ever! If you need debris and destruction, Matter Mayhem is a solid choice to add to your collection!

What's Inside

- Big Blow Ups - Stoney Structures

- Big Blow Ups - Wood Structures

- Near, Mid, and Far Perspectives

- Bomb Blasts

- Blow Ups - Stone, Pebble, Metal, Wood

- Debris - Stone, Wood, Glass, Plastic

- Collapses

- Scaffold Impacts

- Whoosh Objects

- Designed Debris

- First Person Debris

- Metal Objects

SoundMorph 物质混乱 WAV |3.31 Gb

混乱的问题。1500 多个文件 / 5.75 Gb !附近,中期,和遥远的观点。设计和原始录音 !需要碎片、 破坏、 炸弹爆炸事件,混乱中与多个角度和不同材料吨高清晰度声音记录吗?

当然你这么做 !作为声音设计师,我们总是需要这些类型的高度可用的声音,和与物质混乱的创作,我们已经超出。横跨 5 个月的记录了场和设计工作室,SoundMorph 是非常自豪地为您带来一个我们最大的生产图书馆过 !如果你需要碎片和破坏,物质混乱是固体的选择要添加到您的收藏 !


-很大的打击 Ups-斯托尼结构

-很大的打击 Ups-木结构

-近、 中期,和远视角


-吹 Ups-石,卵石,金属木材

-碎片-石头、 木材、 玻璃、 塑料





