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音效下载In Session Audio – Soundtrack Acoustic Guitar Vol 2 – Nylon String Edition MULTiFORMAT的图片1

In Session Audio - Soundtrack Acoustic Guitar Vol 2 - Nylon String Edition MULTiFORMAT | 3.52 Gb

Soundtrack Acoustic Guitar Vol 2: Nylon String Edition is a loop library featuring an array of emotive chords, progressions and single line melodies, designed for those wanting to add expressive and delicately played acoustic guitar to their music.

Consisting of all new material performed on a nylon string guitar, the collection has a contemporary sound with influences from classical, Spanish, jazz and other musical genres. With restrained yet evocative performances, Soundtrack Acoustic Guitar Vol 2 can help build the framework of a track or add the perfect flourish for a final mix.


在会议音频-原声吉他音量 2-尼龙字符串版繁多 |3.52 Gb

电影配乐声吉他 Vol 2 ︰ 尼龙字符串版是循环图书馆设有一系列的情绪和弦、 级数和单行旋律,专门为那些想要添加表现力和微妙地到他们的音乐演奏吉他。

集合组成的尼龙弦吉他上执行的所有新材料,有一个当代的声音与来自古典的西班牙语、 爵士乐和其他音乐流派的影响。克制却令人回味的表现,配乐声吉他 Vol 2 可以帮助构建一个轨道的框架或添加完美的蓬勃发展,为最终的混音。

格式 ︰ 酸、 AiFF,开播,雷克斯,RMX、 WAV