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音效下载Cinesamples – Deep Percussion Beds 2 v1.6 KONTAKT的图片1

Cinesamples - Deep Percussion Beds 2 v1.6 KONTAKT | 4.44 Gb

Our second epic percussion loop library for the film, TV, and game composer featuring 40 brand new dynamic and adaptable grooves. From deep beds that sit nice in a mix, to high-impact action grooves that pound through a track. For the composer on a deadline.

These 40 all-new loops feature 2 additional variations each for a total of 120 different grooves that are all separated into low, mid, and high layers to allow for easy isolation, mixing and matching of the parts, making your work with percussion loops a more creative process.

Each of the 40 loops are mapped onto individual patches. These patches include single hits at the bottom and the loops at the top. The loops include the Full Mixes (low mid and high layers played all at once, with 3 variations and 3 corresponding codas), then the low, mid and high layers laid our individually above that. The All Patches allow users to preview the loops in a single patch and find out which one(s) work best for them. They are split into two groups - 4/4 and Non-4/4.

Additionally, the All Patches are split into two main groups of patches: the 4/4 Time Signature loops, and the Non-4/4 Time Signature loops. Each group is split into four different patches: the Full Mix loops, the Low layer loops, the Mid layer loops, and the High layer loops. As you play through an All Patch, the name of the loop is displayed in the GUI, making it easy for you to navigate to the corresponding patch.

Cinesamples-深打击乐床 2 1.6 版开播 |4.44 Gb

我们第二次的史诗打击乐循环图书馆为电影、 电视和游戏特色 40 品牌的新动态和适应性沟槽的作曲家。从深坐在混合好的床,高影响行动槽通过轨道磅。为作曲家的最后期限。

40 所有新循环功能 2 额外的这些变化每个共 120 不同的沟槽,这样所有分为低频、 中频和高的图层,以便容易分离,混合和匹配的配件,使你的工作与打击乐循环更具创造性的过程。

每个 40 循环映射到单个修补程序上。这些修补程序包括单点击底部和顶部循环。循环包括充分混合 (中期高低层一下子,玩 3 个变种和 3 相应强音),然后低、 中和高层打下我们单独以上的。所有的修补程序允许用户预览单个修补程序中的循环,并找出哪种工作最适合他们。他们被分为两组-4/4 和非-4/4。

此外,所有修补程序分为两个主要组的修补程序 ︰ 4/4 时间签名循环和非-4/4 时间签名循环。每个组分成四个不同的修补程序 ︰ 充分混合循环、 低层循环、 Mid 层循环和高层循环。当你听着所有的补丁,循环的名称被显示在 GUI 中,使您轻松地导航到相应的修补程序。