CG数据库 >> 音效下载Impact Soundworks Super Audio Cart KONTAKT

音效下载Impact Soundworks Super Audio Cart KONTAKT的图片1

Impact Soundworks Super Audio Cart KONTAKT | 3.52 Gb

The most complete set of classic video game samples ever produced. Features seven legendary systems from the 70s to early 90s, unparalleled accuracy, and a powerful synth engine to transform them into a limitless variety of modern sounds.

Super Audio Cart faithfully reproduces the sound of seven classic video game systems whose cultural legacy and influence has lasted far beyond their commercial lifespans. When the library was conceived, our goal was superb authenticity by deep-sampling every sound chip. But over time, we expanded our vision to shatter the limitations of the original systems and allow for near-infinite sound design possibilities.

The final version of Super Audio Cart is the culmination of 2+ years of intense research, development, and sound design. With a massive 5,500+ samples meticulously recorded, edited, and looped, we’ve thoroughly captured the raw capabilities of each game system. These sounds are loaded into a custom Kontakt Player engine packed with cutting-edge features, along with 1,000+ factory snapshots to inspire both retro music, chiptunes, and modern genres.

To create this instrument, everyone involved needed a passion and deep connection to both video games and their music. That’s why we collaborated with OverClocked ReMix, a website and community dedicated to the appreciation of game music. To us, Super Audio Cart represents the ultimate tribute to that art form, and we know that it will find a place in your music for many years to come!


- Seven legendary video game systems

- NES, SNES, GB, 2600, C64, SMS, GEN

- Over 5,500 samples

- Over 600 unique sound sources

- All-new SNES ROM sample bank

- Classic GEN game instruments

- Meticulous editing to preserve authenticity

- Recorded using actual hardware


- Four independent sound source layers

- Integrated sound source browser

- Over a dozen filter models

- 5 FX racks with 8 modules each

- Includes custom SNESVERB

- Poly arpeggiator, gate & sequencer

- 64-slot modulation matrix

- Full NKS compatibility: Komplete Kontrol & Maschine

- Compatible with the FREE Kontakt Player


- Kontakt OR Kontakt Player version 5.5.2 or higher

- 4GB disk space

- 2GB RAM (4GB recommended)

- 2008 or later processor. Your system must also meet the requirements for version 5.5.2 of Kontakt. If you cannot run that version, you will not be able to load this library.


影响 Soundworks 超级音频车开播 |3.52 Gb

有史以来的最完整的经典视频游戏样本集。设有七个传奇系统从上世纪 70 年代至 90 年代初期,无与伦比的精确度和强大 synth 引擎,把它们转化为种类繁多的现代声音。


超音频车的最终版本是 2 + 年激烈的研究、 开发和设计合理的成果。与大规模的 5,500 + 精心记录样本,编辑,和环状的我们已经彻底俘虏了每个游戏系统的原始功能。这些声音加载到自定义的开播球员引擎挤满了尖端功能功能,加上 1000 多厂快照以激发复古的音乐,chiptunes 和现代流派。

若要创建这一文书,每个人都需要激情和深连接到视频游戏和他们的音乐。这就是为什么我们超频混音与协作,一个网站和社区致力于游戏音乐赏析。对我们来说,超级音频车这种艺术形式,表示敬意,我们知道它会发现你的音乐的多年来的一个地方 !

内容 ︰


-NES、 SNES、 GB,2600,C64、 短信、 创

-超过 5,500 样品

-超过 600 独特声源

-所有新的 SNES ROM 样本银行




特点 ︰




-5 FX 衣架与 8 模块中的每个


-聚琶音器、 闸门和音序器


-充分 NKS 兼容性 ︰ Komplete Kontrol & Maschine


要求 ︰

-开播或开播球员 5.5.2 版本或更高

-4 GB 的磁盘空间

-2 GB 内存 (推荐 4 GB)

-2008年或更高版本的处理器。您的系统还必须满足开播版本 5.5.2 的要求。如果您不能运行该版本,你将不能加载此库。