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Cinesamples Dulcimer and Zither KONTAKT | 6.56 Gb

Cinesamples is proud to present our new line of libraries - The WORLD SERIES! The first installment introduces the family of the Dulcimer and Zither, a favored instrument color by composers throughout the ages and around the globe. Recorded at the famous Firehouse Recording Studios in Los Angeles, and mixed by esteemed engineer Tim Starnes, the Dulcimer and Zither library will add stunning brilliance and color to any scoring palette.

The Cinesamples WORLD SERIES: Dulcimer & Zither is unmatched in its sound and simplicity due to the choice of instruments and recording technique. The library was designed by composers, for composers, with direct feedback from the film music community during its development. The result is a library that is easy to use, composer-friendly, and sounds professionally mixed right out of the box without being too demanding on studio hardware.

The library was meticulously recorded and engineered by Tim Starnes, one of the most seasoned and sought-after music editors and recording engineers within the film scoring business. He has worked with most of the current and former A-list composers of Hollywood. His credits include productions such as King Kong (2005), The Lord of the Rings II & III (2002, 2003), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), Remember Me (2010), Twilight: Eclipse (2010), Hugo (2011), and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011). Tim Starnes' presence at the composition, recording, and mixing phases of the score gave him the unique understanding needed to faithfully emulate the sound of Hollywood. After previous successful collaborations such as “Drums of War," Cinesamples is proud to once again be fortunate enough to have him as a recording engineer on this library.

Patch List:

01 Dulcimer Hammer

02 Dulcimer Felt

03 Zither

04 Ukelin

05 FX

Cinesamples 扬琴、 古筝开播 |6.56 Gb

Cinesamples 是自豪地介绍我们新的图书馆-世界系列线 !第一部分介绍了扬琴和古筝演奏,作曲家历代及世界各地的青睐的仪器颜色的家庭。在著名的消防站录音工作室,在美国洛杉矶的记录,并由受人尊敬的工程师蒂姆 Starnes 混合扬琴、 古筝图书馆将向任何得分的调色板添加令人惊叹的辉煌和颜色。

Cinesamples 世界系列 ︰ 扬琴及古筝是简单的文书和记录技术选择及其声音无法比拟的。图书馆是由作曲家,为作曲家,直接从电影音乐社区在其开发过程中的反馈设计的。结果是一个库,它是简单易用、 作曲家-友好、 和声音专业混合开箱即用的权利没有被对工作室硬件要求太高。

图书馆是一丝不苟地记录和工程由蒂姆 Starnes 最老练和广受欢迎的音乐编辑和录音工程师在电影配乐的业务之一。他已经同大多数好莱坞的现任和前任 A 列表作曲家。他的学分包括制作如金刚 》 (2005 年),主的环 II 及 III (2002年,2003年),飞行员 (2004)、 无间道风云 (2006 年),还记得我 (2010 年),暮光之城︰ 月食 (2010 年),雨果 (2011 年),和非常响亮和非常近 (2011 年)。蒂姆Starnes 出席组成,录音和混音的比分阶段给了他独特的理解需要忠实地模仿好莱坞的声音。后以前的成功合作,如"战争之鼓",Cinesamples 非常自豪能够再一次幸运,有他作为一个录音工程师在此库。

修补程序列表 ︰

01 扬琴锤

02 扬琴毡

03 古筝

04 Ukelin

05 FX